機場行動不便旅客服務為機場營運時重要環節,其中,護送任務品質更是影響機場營運績效重要指標。實務上,目前國內外多數航空公司仍以傳統人工經驗進行任務指派,缺乏整體性規劃,容易造成旅客等待時間過長。同時,隨著旅遊風氣盛行與人口高齡化,護送任務數量逐漸上升,決策者如何更有效的調度護送員,降低行動不便旅客等待時間,為當前重要之課題。 本研究利用時空網路,同時配合數學規劃技巧,以最小人力需求為目標,構建一護送員人力規劃模式,並考量排班公平性發展一流量分解方法以進行較為適當之任務指派。在求解方面,由於本研究模式規模甚大,難以於合理時間內使用數學規劃軟體求得最佳解,因此本研究利用C++程式語言及CPLEX數學求解軟體,配合鬆弛固定演算法概念發展一啟發式解法以有效求解。同時,為評估模式實用性及演算法績效,本研究以國內某國際機場資料進行範例測試,且針對不同參數進行敏感度分析與方案分析,結果顯示本研究所發展之模式與演算法於實務上可有效的運用。本研究期望能幫助機場決策者解決實務上人力規劃問題,同時將本研究之結果提供給學術界相關研究參考。;Airport services for passengers with reduced mobility (PRMs) are of significance in airport operation. The quality of escort tasks is especially one of the most important indicators regarding airport operations. In practice, most airlines at home and abroad still rely mainly on traditional manual experienced scheduling, which not only lacks a perspective of systematic optimization, but also easily causes passengers’ waiting time too long. At the same time, with the popularity of tourism and the aging population, the number of escort tasks have gradually increased. Therefore, how decision makers can dispatch escorts more effectively and reduce the waiting time for passengers with reduced mobility is an important issue at present. In this study, the time-space network technique and the mathematical programming method are employed to build a manpower planning model for escorts with the goal of minimizing manpower requirements. In addition, this study also considers the fairness of scheduling to develop a flow decomposition algorithm for task assignment. In terms of solution, due to the large scale of this research model, it is difficult to use mathematical programming software to find the best solution within a reasonable period of time. In order to efficiently solve realistically large problems, we developed a Relax-and-Fix algorithm by C++ computer language and CPLEX mathematical programming software. To evaluate the practicability of the model and the performance of the algorithm, this research uses the data of the domestic international airport to conduct a sample test, and conducts sensitivity analysis and program analysis using different parameters. The results show that the model and algorithm developed by the research can be useful for dispatching escorts and tasks assignment in practice.