用過核子燃料具有長半衰期、高放射性及高衰變熱的特性,國際間經多年研究後認為,深層地質處置是最恰當的最終處置方法。 為確保處置場的安全性,事前的分析極為關鍵。本研究使用有限元素分析軟體ABAQUS進行數值模擬分析,並探討處置場之溫度、飽和度、有效應力等物理場效應。 首先,本研究第四章節參考芬蘭POSIVA文獻進行平行雙排多孔之處置隧道數值模擬分析,了解處置隧道間熱行為是否會交互影響,並進一步進行處置隧道通風冷卻效應與母岩熱傳導性質探討。 其次,本研究第五章節參考DECOVALEX國際合作研究計畫中BMT1C工作任務分析多國研究案例,探討裂縫對於處置場之物理場效應,並進行平行驗證分析,確認本研究之可靠性。更進一步對裂縫厚度及初始母岩滲透率及回填材料滲透率進行探討。 最後,本研究第六章節參考瑞典SKB文獻進行處置罐圍壓數值模擬分析,探討罐體受壓情形,並與SKB試驗結果進行平行驗證分析。並針對不均勻圍壓問題及處置罐鑄造瑕疵問題進行進一步的探討。 ;Spent nuclear fuel has characteristics of long half-life, highly radioactivity and highly decay heat. The international consensus is that deep geological repository in a stable host rock deep underground is the most reliable method. To ensure the safety of the repository, prior analysis is important. This thesis use the finite element software ABAQUS to solve heat transfer, hydraulic and mechanical problems. In chapter 4, the study refers to Finland’s research to numerically investigate the heat behavior of two parallel disposal tunnels. Then, it discusses the ventilation cooling effect of the disposal tunnel and the thermal conductivity of the rock. In chapter 5, the study refers to “Project BMT1C” of “DECOVALEX III”, which was a multinational cooperation project. It is the objective of the study to numerically investigate the fracture behavior of the repository. Then, it discusses the thickness of the fracture, the initial permeability of the rock, and the permeability of backfill in the repository. In chapter 6, the study refers to Sweden’s research to numerically investigate the mechanical behavior of the canister in the repository. Then, it discusses inhomogeneous pressure and casting defect problems for the canister.