傳統的資源管理系統開發方法的系統耦合度高,且無法在不同的開發平台中合作開發,不利於團隊開發的環境,導致團隊生產力降低,本研究試圖提出一個代理人為基礎的資源開發管理平台,以分層概念降低耦合度達成異質開發平台的透通,讓資源管理系統開發人員專注於自身的技術並可使用熟悉的語言實作以提昇可靠度(Reliability)及再利用性(Reusability),並降低需求變更對維護人員的衝擊,讓團隊開發的效應提昇整體團隊的生產力,並以代理人技術提供使用者遠端搜尋、管理資源服務,及動態載入/卸載資源服務。 Developing a resource management system is highly platform- dependant and hard to fit into team developing environment. Therefore, we provide a layered, agent-based developing platform in this research to reduce the developing complexity and support heterogeneous development environment such as C, C++, Java based platforms. The transparency between the layers is built upon communication with XML messages. Developers are able to better focus on the technical issues of each layer without concerning some specific and unfamiliar developing platform. Nevertheless, our approach can leverage the benefits of agent- based systems to improve the reusability and reliability of resource controllers, enhancing the team productivity and maintainability.