本研究以半自動的方式為目標,進行航空照片中建物三維模型之重建。其方法是利用數位航空照片進行建物的輪廓萃取,首先以人工點選建物之近似位置據以進行局部的線性特徵物萃取,再搭配特徵線段匹配,即可前方交會獲得三維線段,進而重建房屋三維模型。本文提出之處理流程如下: 1、兩張以上之航照重疊影像,建構相對方位並以立體觀測方式,輔以人工近似粗略估計航照重疊影像中房屋之位置,即時的展示所投射到其他重疊影像之位置。 2、粗估房屋高度並投射到其他重疊影像上,得到近似量測之線段端點。將各航照重疊影像上預估之線段,進行局部的線性特徵物萃取,以得到更精確之線段 3、即時局部線性特徵物萃取之結果,使用特徵線匹配,確認共軛的線段。 4、將確認共軛的線段以空間前方交會求得在物空間的座標並建立房屋模型。 結果顯示,本文所提出之方法,以半自動的方式對於房屋邊界明顯,且建物邊界之高程為連續之房屋三維模型重建提供一可行方案。 This investigation utilizes a semi-automated strategy to extract outlines for buildings from aerial images. First, we perform manual operation to locate the rough position for building corners in an image to obtain the approximate coordinates. Subsequently, accurate coordinates of those buildings may be reached by the proposed scheme. The procedures of the proposed scheme are described as follows. 1.The orientation parameters of the images are derived first. Then, rough initial locations for approximate building corners in the object space are given manually. The initial edges of those buildings are then projected to the image space. 2.We provide the approximate height of each building, then project to the overlapping aerial images. The predicted line segments for building outlines are then used to perform the feature detection. 3.An image matching procedure is applied for those conjugate line segments. 4.After performing space intersection, we calculate the 3-D line segments for buildings. The building model is, thus, generated. For reconstructing 3D model of buildings, the results show that the procedure we proposed is applicable for those buildings with good edge features.