摘要: | 衛星影像透過衛星設備全天候24小時隨時可以取得,不像航照圖片必須利用飛機搭載攝影器材進行拍攝,容易受天候影響而無法順利取得影像資料;最近許多研究學者,利用衛星影像進行能源探勘、污染監控…等研究,倘若應用於軍事用途上,更能不受限於領空航空權與安全理由…等因素,做到敵方軍情的分析。衛星影像研究的課題,可以應用在許多層面上,其中,又以國防安全最為重要;隨著衛星的進展,影像上可利用的資訊也將愈來愈多,屆時對於評估全球軍事的動態,也有正面的幫助。 本論文主要的目的是在分析飛機的衛星影像,判讀飛機是屬於哪種機型;首先利用影像處理的技巧,強化衛星影像的品質、過濾雜訊、自動二元化、旋轉到同一個方位、平移、縮放…等前處理,再根據飛機的特性,找出多種不同的特徵來當作辨識的依據,最後訓練出適當的權重,使用階層式的辨識方式來判讀飛機的類型。 最後經實驗結果驗証,使用充份飛機衛星影像的類型,辨識系統已經有良好、穩定的辨識成果。 The collection of satellite images is not constrained by time which can be captured day and night. It is unlike the images captured by aircrafts which are heavily constrained by weather conditions and environmental factors to secure useful images. Recently, satellite images have been widely applied in many fields, such as resource mining, pollution monitoring, etc. In this thesis, we plan to apply it to the military to analyze the movement of enemy for security purpose. The information conveyed by satellite images will increase with the increase in the resolution of current remote sensing devices. Hence, it can be uplifted to more advanced high-level applications in military use. The main purpose of this dissertation is to analyze the satellite images that contain aircrafts and recognize the types of the allocated aircrafts. In our system, image processing techniques are first employed to perform the image preprocessing tasks, such as image quality enhancement, noise removal, automatic binarization, and rotation, scaling, translation adjustment. Then, distinguishable features derived from the characteristics exhibited by aircrafts are extracted on which the recognition are based. Last, multi-level recognition scheme is adopted to recognize the types of aircrafts by incorporating suitable weight into each recognition level. Experiments were conducted on a wide variety of satellite images. Experimental results reveals the feasibility and validity of the proposed approach in recognizing aircrafts in satellite images. |