肺部是人體外呼吸與內呼吸的總樞紐,在整個呼吸系統中具有非常重要的角色。當出現異常時,通常對人體健康的影響相當大。因此,肺功能檢查則是其主要檢測的指標。一般肺功能檢查會使用肺活量計來做檢測,肺活量檢測的結果會隨著身體的健康狀況而有所不同。肺活量是指儘量吸氣和儘量呼氣的最大氣量,最好是正常值的範圍之內。肺活量的正常值為預期值之80%以上,預期值則是由年齡、性別、身高對照所推算出來的一個預測數值。本研究利用可程式規劃邏輯電路結合電腦環境所開發出輕便型肺活量計,主要是利用感測器及硬體電路將呼氣的流量變化轉換成數位訊號傳送到電腦,而在電腦上利用軟體工具開發出相關的使用介面程式來計算處理量測的資料。利用此裝置可以檢測出病人的肺活量,並即時顯示呼氣時的流量變化,最後將結果顯示在螢幕上並告知病人肺功能是否正常,並提醒病患注意相關事項。且此裝置可搭配肺活量訓練器一起使用,將每次訓練時的結果記錄下來,收集每次的資料後,可進一步針對資料分析,有效掌握訓練的效果,調整所需要相對應的訓練等級。在未來人口老化的社會變遷下,遠端醫療將是醫療系統中不可或缺的服務。將結果透過電腦的網路傳送到醫生的面前,可隨時掌握病情並即時作最適當的處置,相信在未來的醫療e化下,將會是全人類的福祉。 The lung is the body total pivot of breathing in inside and outside; it’s very important roles in the whole respiratory system. The general lung function review seminar uses the vital capacity to count and make measuring, the results that the vital capacity measures will be different by the health status of the body. The vital capacity of the normal value is more than 80% of expectancy value. The expectedding value is contrasted a prediction number values calculated by the age, sex, height. This research can develop the light vital capacity by the CPLD with computer,the system work on the principle that transform the flow sensor into digital signal and deliver to computer. And we have developed the interface by the software tools in the computer that process flow data. In final, the screen will show the result of the patient’s lung function. It’s recorder the result of the training in every day. In the future, the result of measure can be display in front of the doctor by the computer internet. It’s can control the patient’s condition and do the best. We trust the medical treatment e in the future that will all of the human happiness.