本論文使用代理人的技術,來輔助XP環境下的版本控制,藉由agent間的溝通機制和流程監控,來解決下列事項: 1. 即時察覺變動,並通知更新。 2. 上傳至source code repository存放的程式碼,均完成單元測試。 在通知方面,使用DARPA Agent Markup Language (DAML)格式建構CVS ontology,描述開發者與source code repository間的互動,以提高agent間的溝通能力,降低開發者接收訊息的負擔。 This thesis uses agent technology to support version control in extreme programming environment. By communication mechanism and monitoring process between agents, the following issues are addressed and solved: 1. To detect changes to source code in real-time manner and notify relevant developers to update their source codes. 2. To make sure that all source codes uploaded to source code repository passed unit tests. Regarding the notification, Darpa agent markup language (DAML) is used to build CVS ontology to describe interaction between developer and source code repository, so as to enhance agent communication capability and thus reducing developer’s burden of receiving the information.