本文研究內容主要可分成二大部份,第一部份則是對未考慮襯砌均質土層單隧道進行分析,分別考慮只加位移載重與同時考慮覆土壓、位移載重之下,討論隧道開挖時造成均質土層之相關力學行為。第二部份則是對考慮襯砌非均質土層單隧道進行分析,分別考慮大地應力平衡、加力載重時,對二維及三維問題進行分析,在三維部份則另外模擬潛盾機推進之過程,討論隧道開挖時造成非均質土層之相關力學行為。 在這二大部份中,皆考慮土壤不排水狀況,使用Mohr-Coulomb準則,對不同案例分別討論地表沉陷槽曲線、覆土壓力、凝聚力、臨界超載係數之影響趨勢,並將結果與離心機模型進行比較驗證。 The objective of this study can be divided into two main parts . In the first part, we do not consider lining of the homogeneous soil layer tunnel. The tunnel is excavated under the action of earth stress. In the second part, we consider lining of the nonhomogeneous soil layer tunnel. Two-dimentional and three-dimensional problems are considered under the action of earth stress and force load. In the three-dimensional part, we simulate the shield machine advancing, and the resulting mechanical behavior of the nonhomogeneous soil layer is discussed while the tunnel is excavated. In these two parts, Mohr-Coulomb plasticity criterion is used for modeling the undrained behavior of soil. We discuss the behavior in different cases, including the earth's surface trough, earth stress, cohesiveness , critical overload factor. The numerical results were compared with the results from centrifuge model tests.