硬碟驅動器在過去幾年中最普遍使用的技術是傳統磁記錄技術。傳統磁記錄技術是通過寫入彼此平行而不重疊的磁軌來記錄資料,磁道並排寫入,磁道之間不重疊。但是傳統磁記錄技術已經無法滿足日益增長的存儲容量需求。為了增加存儲容量,疊瓦磁記錄技術通過重疊磁道來增加硬盤的面密度。在本文中,我們將介紹重複數據刪除的技術,這是常被用在固態硬碟的方法,透過這個方法可以提升存儲量。若將重複數據刪除的技術應用在疊瓦磁記錄硬碟上則可以更進一步增加資料儲存量,但是這會失去數據局部性也就會增加讀取資料的負擔,因為重複的資料會分散在整個硬碟上。所以為了增加存儲容量並減少數據局部性降低產生的影響,我們將導入我們的方法,位置感知重複數據刪除技術。我們提出的方法與基線 CAFTL相比,在 Systor ′17 Traces 中,總讀取反應時間上減少了87.3%,總存儲時間上減少了 76.75%。;Conventional Magnetic Recording (CMR) technique used in hard drive is common in the past few years. It works by aligning the poles of the magnetic elements, which represent bits of data, perpendicularly to the surface of the disk. Magnetic tracks are written side by side and it is not overlapping between tracks. However, CMR technique is not enough for the growing need of the storage capacity. To increase the storage capacity, Shingled Magnetic Recording (SMR) \cite{smr01} technique increases the areal density of hard disks by overlapping magnetic tracks. In this paper we will introduce the deduplication technique, which is normally used in the Solid State Disk to further increase the storage capacity. With the deduplication technology on SMR hard disks, it would increase the storage capacity but, for the trade off, it would lose the data locality, which leads to the overhead of the read request because the duplicate data is scattered all over the hard disk. To increase the storage capacity and also reduce the influence of losing data locality, we introduce our method, Locality-aware Deduplication Technology (Lady). The performance of the proposed approach, i.e Lady, in the Systor ‘17 Traces, reduces 87.3% on total read response time, and 76.75% for the total access time compared to the baseline, CAFTL on SMR.