近年來車聯網與自動駕駛技術迅速發展,伴隨著車輛數位鑑識的需求 也隨之提升。在美國,汽車已經繼傳統的取證標的:電腦、手機之後,成 為第三大取證介質。加上量子技術逐漸成熟,對於車聯網主要利用無線通 訊技術進行資料的傳輸,將會面臨量子計算的威脅。因此我們需要一套能 夠有效抵抗量子電腦攻擊的密碼學演算法,來保護傳輸中的資料及隱私。 本研究利用晶格 (Lattice) 加密演算法的 NTRU 後量子非對稱加解密 及 FALCON 後量子數位簽章技術,針對行車資料上雲做出相對完善的保 護,保障資料的機密性、 完整性及不可否認性,最後將資料儲存至 Hyperledger Fabric 區塊鏈以達成鑑識證據監管鏈之目的。 本研究透過車載診斷系統 (OBD-II),搭配樹莓派的運算,實現我們針 對車輛數位鑑識所設計出來的雲端平台。;Due to the rapid development of Internet of Vehicles (IoV) and autonomous driving technologies in recent years, automobiles have become the third largest digital forensic medium after the traditional forensic targets: computers and mobile phones in the United States. Coupled with the gradual maturity of quantum technology, the devices will mainly use wireless communication technology for data transmission, which will face the threat from quantum computing. Therefore, we need new cryptographic algorithms that can effectively resist quantum computing attacks to protect data and privacy in the data transmission. Our research uses Lattice-based NTRU post-quantum public-key encryption and FALCON post-quantum digital signature algorithm to provide relatively complete protection for driving data to the cloud to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and non-repudiation of the data. We also implement Hyperledger Fabric blockchain framework to achieve the chain of custody. We propose a cloud platform which is designed for vehicle digital forensics through the on-board diagnostic (OBD-II) system and the data computing with the collectors.