本研究擬對CFT柱與基礎接合之承載行為進行探討,並針對二年前實驗中所收集之實驗資訊,進行完整分析,以推導合理之力學分析模式,藉以發展可行之柱基礎接合細部設計,並將量測資料與推導之受力模式進行比對,以驗證力學分析模型之正確性,以利工程界之應用。 研究結果顯示,柱體埋入基礎段加勁對於基礎混凝土的側向承壓有重大影響。當柱體埋入基礎段加勁,其應變分佈呈現線性單曲率。在水平剪力作用下,其力量若大於基礎混凝土對柱體的承壓強度時,會使得基礎內對柱體混凝土側向承壓處先行破壞。交互關係曲線具有兩個不同的區域,分別為柱體對基礎混凝土承壓破壞與柱底板與錨定螺桿聯合作用的破壞,在不同的組合載重下會有不同的破壞機制。 This study is focused on the development and evaluation of analytical model of concrete-filled tube (CFT) base connection subjected to seismic load. Experimental information is used to establish the load distribution model and to calibrate the corresponding coefficients. It is observed that the base connection with stiffened encased depth sustained high lateral load. It is also found from test result calibrations that the concrete bearing strengths for CFT with and without stiffened encased depths were different. A modified model for concrete bearing strength calculation was thus proposed in this study to better correlate the test results and the analytical simulations. Finally, a design procedure for CFT base connection fabrication is proposed for engineering practices.