摘要 本研究根據行政院環境保護署所訂「噪音管制標準」第6 條規定 之營建工程噪音管制標準進行營建工程五大階段噪音之量測,以北部 某縣市10 個行政區中100 處營建工程為例,量測當下記錄施工項目、 施工作業狀況與使用之機具,將量測噪音結果繪製音壓隨時間變化圖 以進行噪音特性及頻譜分析,進一步探討施工作業行為與施工音量變 化的關係。研究結果顯示裝修階段因施工工法需拆除隔音圍籬以致平 均量測之分貝值為營建工程五大階段中最高,達72.8 dB(A)且超標之工 地占比亦為最高(55%)。營建工程各階段因有不同的施工項目及營建機 具,產生大小噪音且具不規則的頻率,音壓隨時間變化呈現不同的圖譜 型態,如破碎作業之分貝值高低起伏劇烈呈鋸齒狀;挖運作業則穩定且 平緩,透過頻譜分析可得知所使用之營建機具屬於高頻或低頻噪音機 具,而經由繪製盒鬚圖可得知各階段的均能音量離散程度,其中建造階 段因施工項目較一致,離散程度為最小,裝修階段作業項目較多樣化使 其離散程度最高。藉由以上分析結果瞭解營建噪音型態及屬性以選用 適合其之噪音控制方法。 ;ABSTRACT This study takes 100 construction sites in 10 administrative districts in a northern city to analyze the noise characteristics during 5 stages of construction, according to the Article 6 of Amendment to Noise Control Standards promulgated by Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration. The graph of sound pressure versus time is drawn to simulate the noise pattern and conduct spectrum analysis to investigate the relevance between construction operation and nosie level. This study demonstrates that the average decibel value (72.8 dB (A)) measured during decoration stage is the highest among 5 stages, and the proportion of construction sites above the standard is also the highest (55%) due to the absence of noise barriers. In addition, multiple construction activities and equipment generate the noise with different frequencies and level, leading to various types of spectrum. For example, the line of decibel is jagged when breaking, and it becomes steady when excavating. Via spectrum analysis, we can understand the construction equipment used generates high-frequency or low-frequency noise. Moreover, box and whisker plots show the discrete degree of Equivalent Energy Sound Level during 5 stages of construction. Because of consistent construction activities, the discrete degree in construction stage is the most. On the other hand, the construction activities in decoration stage are diverse, so the discrete degree is the most scattered. The aim of this study is to provide the baseline data of the construction noise for taking appropriate noise control measures.