廢水處理程序中,薄膜生物反應器(MBR)近年已被廣泛應用於都市污水處理廠和工業廢水處理系統,在一連串的開發過程中,因處理效率、佔地面積小等優點都超越傳統活性污泥法。然而此系統的操作成本中,曝氣模組系統操作費用遠高於其他操作單元,為了能達到高效能的運轉目的,因此,調整系統參數使薄膜生物反應器(MBR)條件最佳化即為首要目標。 薄膜生物反應器(MBR)的實廠操作中,最常面臨膜堆積垢,除了影響終端水質外,其操作及維保成本也提高,故本研究首先回顧薄膜生物反應器的曝氣參數及其對廢水過濾性能的影響。在脈衝式曝氣研究中,使用異步曝氣方式來誘發薄膜表面上的剪切應力是有效抑制積垢的策略之一,由於脈衝式曝氣中膜絲之間互相作用的擺動較管道式曝氣影響大,所以,脈衝式曝氣有較佳的積垢控制結果。接著在同步和異步曝氣試驗中,為了探討相鄰噴嘴產生的氣泡與膜絲之間相互作用對積垢率的影響,實驗設計在恆定通量條件下,監測跨膜壓力(TMP)分析依據,結果指出,當異步式脈衝曝氣流量於250 dm3 / h且反沖洗流量90 m3 / h的參數搭配,是有利於薄膜積垢速度的趨緩,在歷經90天的測試結果顯示,薄膜平均積垢速率從0.39 kPa / day降至0.21 kPa / day,而在節能效益上,由於將通道式曝氣改為脈衝形式曝氣系統,能源耗用減少約47%,達成高效能運轉目標。 ;Membrane bioreactor (MBR) is already a well-developed wastewater treatment process for municipal and industrial applications. Nonetheless, membrane fouling remains a significant problem for its more comprehensive development. Aeration is the source of a large part of the operating costs in most industrial-scale plants, and its optimization is necessary to make the process efficient. This paper first reviews the parameters of aeration and their impact on filtration performance. In the investigation of pulse aeration, one of the most efficient strategies to limit fouling is the use of asynchronous aeration flow to enhance the shear stress on the membrane surface. The efficacy of the pulse aeration compared with channel aeration has been attributed to the more significant fluctuations in the interactions among membrane filaments. The trans-membrane pressure (TMP) monitored under constant flux conditions was used to investigate the impact of the interactions among bubbles generated from adjacent nozzles following synchronous and asynchronous bubbling schemes. The experimental results showed that the asynchronous pulse airflow at the condition of 250 dm3/h to match backwash flow of 90 m3/h, respectively, is more beneficial to fouling alleviation. After 90 days test, the average fouling rate is 0.21 kPa/day. Finally, a 47% reduction in the energy usage was achieved by moving from a channel to a pulse form of aeration.