我國目前雖已朝向非核家園的目標前進,但低放射性廢棄物處置仍然為必須處理的課題。台電公司依據經濟部公告之兩處低放處置設施建議候選場址之環境條件,並習取國際處置技術,持續推動低放處置計畫。做為管制單位之原能會放射性物料管理局為善盡安全管制機關的職責,亦持續的精進低放處置審驗技術與管制法規。前期委託研究之成果除了針對蘭嶼處置場之低放射性廢棄物遷移,積極推動集中貯存應變方案所需之管制技術,以及封閉後安全管制等議題進行研究外,另一部分也持續針對低放射性廢棄物坑道處置技術進行精進,於各方面提升管制量能,期為民眾做好低放射性廢棄物處置安全把關工作,以徹底解決核廢料問題。爰此,提出「112年低放射性廢棄物坑道處置環境與異向性審驗技術研析」,主要內容包括:岩體裂隙化學環境下水力-力學耦合模擬技術研析,以及異向性岩體材料強度試驗與破壞準則建構技術與應用,持續精進並更新國際低放廢棄物處置技術與法規發展,並反饋於我國低放處置環境之地質條件與處置設計概念,提出適合於我國之低放處置技術發展之建議,進一步提升管制量能。 ;Taiwan is targeting a non-nuclear country, but the disposal of low-level radioactive waste is still an issue that must be resolved. Taiwan Power Company continues to implement the low-level disposal plan based on the environmental conditions of low-level disposal candidate sites inside the country and learning international disposal technologies. Fuel Cycle and Materials Administration, AEC is a safety control agency, and it continues to improve low-level disposal verification technologies and regulations. In addition to the results of the previously commissioned study included the transfer of low-level radioactive waste from the Lanyu disposal site, and issues such as post-closure security controls. The other part also continues to strengthen low-level radioactive waste disposal technology. Therefore, this project proposes " Environment and Anisotropy Verification Technology for Tunnel Disposal of Low-level Radioactive Waste." The project includes two parts as: hydraulic-mechanical coupling simulation technology in the chemical environment of fracture and anisotropic rock mass material strength test and failure criterion construction technology and application. Strengthen and update the development of international low-level waste disposal technology and regulations and further enhance the control capacity.