Abstract: | 道路維護管理工作核心內容分為巡查及維護兩項,必須透過妥善的巡查制度,且在有限的經費下,完成持續性的維護作業。蘆竹區公所工務課在轄區內的工程建設涵道路、水利、建築、公園等方便的工程,因逐步建置完善的制度,才得以因應眾多類別且龐大的工程量,並且在各項考評成績上,表現卓越。本文以公所轄管道路的巡查通報機制、維護管理機制及維護管理精進作為等方面進行分析探討。 公所在道路維護管理上主要分為例行性及計畫性兩項作業。例行性作業包含道路巡查及零星修補工作;計畫性作業主要就是道路歲修工作。 例行性作業中,道路巡查工作是最重要的基本工作,先訂定妥善的巡查計畫,才有辦法預防災害發生,保護用路人安全,進而做預防式的養護;正所謂預防勝於治療,做好預防式養護就能提高設施使用年限,並提升養護經濟效益。零星修補工作,最重要的在搶修的即時性,及修補後的耐久性。前者與平常的巡查制度有密切關聯,所以將進一步探討,透過動態巡查系統提高巡查率,進而提高坑洞自巡率;後者坑洞修補,將說明使用高性能瀝青混凝土及加熱型鋪面維護車,來提高修補後的耐久性。 計畫性作業辦理年度歲修工程,佔整年度預算平均將近八成。所以除了零星修補需要考慮延壽的方法外,如何排列出歲修工程的優先順序,將是影響道路養護經費效益最大因素。本研究透過公所道路歲修排序制度及歲修案件評估單,來探討年度歲修工程評估方式。歲修工程在執行中,也同時帶入環保與防災管理、循環經濟、節能減碳及行人地獄等議題。 此外在維護管理機制上,除了需要有妥善的管理制度與作業品質外,公所還建置了專案管理系統(PMIS)及蘆竹區道路維護管理平台(QGIS),全面 E化,提高行政效率。;The core content of road maintenance management work is divided into two main aspects: inspection and maintenance. It is necessary to complete continuous maintenance operations through a proper inspection system and within limited budget constraints. The Public Works Section of Luzhu District Office is responsible for various engineering constructions within its jurisdiction, including roads, water conservancy, buildings, and parks. Due to the establishment of a comprehensive system, it is able to cope with the large and diverse amount of projects and has shown outstanding performance in various evaluations. This article analyzes and discusses the inspection reporting mechanism, maintenance management mechanism, and improvement of maintenance management in the jurisdiction of the district office. The district office′s road maintenance management mainly consists of routine and planned operations. Routine operations include road inspections and minor repair work, while planned operations mainly focus on road maintenance and repair work. In routine operations, road patrol work is the most important basic task. By first establishing a proper patrol plan, it is possible to prevent disasters, protect the safety of road users, and carry out preventive maintenance. As the saying goes, prevention is better than cure. By implementing preventive maintenance effectively, the service life of facilities can be extended, and maintenance economic benefits can be improved. For sporadic repair work, the most important aspects are the immediacy of emergency repairs and the durability of repairs. The former is closely related to the regular patrol system, so further exploration will be conducted to increase the patrol rate through a dynamic patrol system, thereby increasing the self-patrol rate for potholes. As for the latter, the repair of potholes will be explained using high-performance asphalt concrete and heated pavement maintenance vehicles to improve the durability of repairs. Planned operations for annual major maintenance projects account for nearly 80% of the annual budget. Therefore, in addition to considering methods to extend the service life for sporadic repairs, determining the priority order of major maintenance projects will be the most significant factor affecting the cost-effectiveness of road maintenance funds. This study explores the evaluation methods for annual major maintenance projects through the municipal road major maintenance ranking system and the major maintenance project evaluation form. In the execution of major maintenance projects, environmental protection, disaster prevention and management, circular economy, energy conservation and carbon reduction, and pedestrian safety are also incorporated. In addition, in terms of maintenance and management mechanisms, besides the need for proper management systems and operational quality, the public office has also established a Project Management Information System (PMIS) and the Luzhu District Road Maintenance Management Platform (QGIS), fully digitizing to improve administrative efficiency. |