本論文利用以雷射直寫技術於銀離子交換玻璃製作表面增強拉曼基板,在以雷射寫出銀結構後以BOE (Buffered Oxide Etchant)進行蝕刻,並且對其進行石墨烯的轉移,量測其拉曼散射訊號,最後成功的量測到石墨烯的表面增強拉曼散射訊號,若能將基板進行表面平坦化後可作為一具有表面增強拉曼活性基板。;This study describes the fabrication of a surface enhanced Raman substrate utilizing laser direct writing technology. After field-assisted ion exchanged process, a cw green laser light is used to reduce the in-diffused silver ions. Etching is subsequently performed using BDE (Buffered Oxide Etchant) to expose the nanostructures. Graphene is then transferred on top of the substrate, acting as a probe for the Raman-active substrate. Raman signatures such as the G-band and D-band are successfully measured which correlates closely with the measured surface profiles.