愛子心切,是天下父母心。親子之愛是一切愛的起點,「母愛」對孩子的重要性是不容忽視的。本研究發現,母愛是生命成長最重要的養分。孩子成長過程比起教養專家,更需要一個愛他的媽媽。而母親最好的預備,就是學習成為完整的人並熱愛生命,即能給予孩子最渴望的愛。 在華人文化與社會期待下,總是看見母親一肩扛起育兒責任。隨著社會快速變遷,現今雙薪家庭普遍,母親經常面臨家庭與工作蠟燭兩頭燒的情形。弗洛姆擅於觀察社會癥結並提出批判,本研究藉由《愛的藝術》的觀點,重新理解母愛的內涵。期望能為母愛提出嶄新視角,並給予照顧者合適的教養指南。 ;It is human nature that children are parent’s beloved ones. In this study, I discoverd the significance of mother’s love. It plays crucial role in the devlopments of children. Instead of a family expert, every child simply needs a loving mother who can provide him/her with bounchful love and lead him/her to become a whole person in his/her growth. In Asia society, mother ususally needs to bear the burdons of caring for children. Nevertheless, with the rapid tranformation of the society, mother nowadays needs to busy with her work and family at the same time. According to Fromm, who is skilled in observing social issues and making critiques, he redefined the meaning of mother’s love in his book, "The Art of Loving". Therefore, I expect to popose several brand-new perspectives of mother’s love and provide sufficient guidance with all the parents in this study.