本研究提出一個服務導向的論文搜尋輔助工具架構:TraceFinder,旨在提出一個服務導向架構(Service Oriented Architecture, SOA)的解決方案來安裝、設定、使用所有掛載於系統上的資料來源。資料來源均藉由服務包覆(service wrapping)的方式,將現有的論文資料搜尋引擎轉換為網際服務(web service)。本系統具備服務可安裝、移除的特性,再藉由服務組合(service composition) 、服務代換(service substitution)的技術,提供使用者更強力的複合服務。本系統並應用個人知識地圖(personal ontology)與代理人(agent)技術來提供加值服務,以達成資訊搜尋、瀏覽、與管理的個人化。 This paper details the architecture of service-oriented paper search assistant: TraceFinder. The purpose of this system is to provide a SOA-solution to install, configure, and access all mounted data sources. All data sources are transformed from paper search engines to web services by service wrapping. This system has the property of service plug-in and plug-out. By service composition and service substitution, users can use powerful composite services. Besides, TraceFinder also provides add-on services for ease of information search, browsing, and management in a personal fashion by using personal ontology and the agent technology.