隨著網際網路越來越普及之下,上網不再是年輕人的專 利,小孩子利用手機上網連線玩遊戲,老年人使用上網看電視劇, 對人們來說,網路已不再是奢侈品,而是必需品。Wi-Fi 是一種無 線網路技術,讓電腦(筆記型電腦和桌上型電腦)、行動裝置(智 慧型手機和穿戴式裝置)及其他家電設備(冷氣和冰箱)能夠連線 到網際網路。隨著越來越多的裝置可以連線網路操作,會使無線 網路效率變差。因此,提升網路效能以及處理流量壅塞與日益增 加的容量要求,已成為不可忽視的要素。本篇論文按照 Wi-Fi 的 802.11ax 規格模擬 Wi-Fi 的傳送接收,比較兩種不同傳送模式的差 別,再加上波束成型 (Beamforming),觀察其對解調後的訊號有甚麼影響。最後會透過工研院自主研發之 SDR 平台上模擬,此平台 能夠支援 4X4 MIMO 天線傳輸,作為研究傳輸系統的現實環境之 驗證,此外也應用兩台 SDR 來模擬一台為傳送端與另一台為接收 端,分別比較了其在不同的場景情況下,對於傳送與接收的訊號 處理。;As the Internet becomes more and more popular, surfing the Internet is no longer the monopoly of young people. Children use their mobile phones to connect to the Internet to play games, and the elderly use the Internet to watch TV shows. For people, the Internet is no longer a luxury. goods, but necessities. Wi-Fi is a wireless networking tech nology that enables computers (laptops and desktops), mobile devices (smartphones and wearables) and other home appliances (air condition ers and refrigerators) to connect to the Internet road. As more and more devices can be connected to the network to operate, it will make the wire less network less efficient. Therefore, improving network performance and dealing with traffic congestion and increasing capacity requirements have become factors that cannot be ignored. This paper simulates the transmission and reception of Wi-Fi according to the Wi-Fi 802.11ax specification, compares the difference between two different transmis sion modes, and adds beamforming (Beamforming) to observe its impact on the demodulated signal. Finally, it will be simulated on the SDR plat form independently developed by ITRI. This platform can support 4X4 MIMO antenna transmission, as a verification of the real environment of the research transmission system. In addition, two SDRs are used to simulate one as the transmitter and the other The station is the receiving end, and the signal processing for transmission and reception in different scenarios are compared.