資訊生命週期管理(Information Lifecycle Management, ILM)也就是一群儲存廠商所提供給資訊管理經理人的軟體和服務,以協助其將儲存建置所花費的成本,更能反應在資料的可用性及記錄管理(records management, RM) 規範上。ILM 軟體解決方案,是為改善企業資訊資產從產生的那一刻起至最終端的管理問題。資訊生命週期管理主要利用各種政策來管理資訊系統,本論文主要研究建構資訊紀錄儲存體配置初始化政策和被動式容量觸發資訊週期遷政策來進行資訊週期的管理,並利用0/1背包問題演算法來滿足最低系統回應要求和最大儲存體使用率。並且撰寫了一支根據論文論點的程式進行分析,進行相關系統參數設定方式的討論。希望論文研究可以給予在生命週期管理中加入降低系統平均存取回應及增進儲存體使用率演算法,使系統資源被有效及正確的利用和降低資訊系統建構成本。 Information Lifecycle Management (ILM) is comprised of policies, processes, practices, and tools used to align the business value of information with the most ap-propriate and cost effective IT infrastructure from the time information is conceived through its final disposition. This paper describes the research on ILM system initia-tion and storage capacity migration policy. The research includes system storages utility rate increase and storages access performance enhancement. Our ILM system policies rule apply trigger functions in active database system, so we used the tech-nique of active database to construct ILM system policies. In order to enhance ILM system storages access performance and reduce total storage devices cost, we use the algorithm of the 0/1 knapsack problem to construct ILM system policies. An experi-ment program is implemented to verify our methodology’s accuracy and efficiency. And we will analyze and discuss how to set the arguments of ILM system policies rule.