探討混凝土耐久性之影響因素,可發現鹼質與粒料反應的危害,其潛伏期長達十數年,若未於規劃及施工過程,即對此危害採取預防及現場品管措施,一旦工程誤用AAR活性粒料時,除造成後續結構物使用壽限之縮減及增加安全之疑慮外,所需維護或重建之費用頗鉅,並不符經濟效益與國人期望。 鹼質與粒料反應檢測方法,以目前發展的趨勢而言,檢測方法大約可概分為岩相法、化學法與測長法;測長法又可細分為傳統試驗法、快速砂漿棒試驗法與快速蒸壓法。上述各試驗各有優缺點,因此發展具有快速、準確並量化AAR危害程度之快速蒸壓法。 本研究使用台灣地區活性粒料,針對AAR行為,進行ASTM 與水泥砂漿棒蒸壓法(MBAT)及混凝土角柱蒸壓法(CPAT)試驗與分析,探討蒸壓法對試體膨脹量特性與Pessimum行為之影響,並與ASTM比較,檢討MBAT與CPAT之判定標準,提出實務上MBAT與CPAT取代傳統試驗法之可行做法。 The purpose of the study was to conduct ASR tests involving ASTM and quick autoclaving with local active aggregates in Taiwan. In addition to the analysis of impact on the thermal expansion value of autoclaved test method, the expansion characteristics of ASTM and autoclaved test method and the coherence of evaluating pessimum problems were compared in an attempt to investigate the applicability of the newly-developed mortar bar and concrete prism autoclaved test methods. Furthermore, the temporary standard of concrete prism test method was reviewed, hoping to develop a rapid and accurate test method to identify ASR problems and a feasible approach to substitute for traditional ones in practice.