在無線感測網路中,覆蓋比例評估是一個相當重要且典型的問題。在評估完覆蓋比例之後,往往需要多佈額外的感測器來增進覆蓋比例。在這篇論文中,我們提出一個具適應性方格之方法來評估k-覆蓋比例,k-覆蓋比例表示,在監測的環境中,相對於全部面積的被k-覆蓋的面積百分比。在我們的方法中,整個監測環境將被分割成許多不同大小的方格,每一方格也許會進一步分割為更小的方格來取得方格中更精確的覆蓋資訊。在評估覆蓋比例之後,我們也提出一個再佈點方法,再佈最少額外的感測器達到更高的覆蓋比率。在模擬的結果中顯示,我們所提出的兩種方法都比過去的方法有效率。 Coverage rate evaluation is one of the most important and fundamental issues in wireless sensor networks. After coverage rate evaluation, re-deploying additional sensor nodes is often required to improve the coverage rate. In this thesis, an adaptive grid approach for k-coverage rate evaluation is proposed, where k-coverage rate denotes the percentage of k-covered area relative to the monitored area. In our scheme, monitored area is divided into nonuniform-sized grids. Each grid is further divided into sub-grids if more coverage information of the grid can be obtained from these sub-grids. Based on our k-coverage rate evaluation scheme, a greedy re-deployment scheme is also introduced. The simulation results show that both our schemes are more time efficient than previous work.