近年來,隨著網路的發達,線上遊戲也越來越熱門。而為了增進線上遊戲的遊戲經驗也有許多的研究進行著,其中最明顯的便是遊戲畫面的增進。然而目前在線上遊戲中的交談方式仍然是採用輸入文字來互動交談,而不是對人類來說較自然的語音交談。由於遊戲的操控和文字的輸入都得使用鍵盤,因此玩家無法一邊操控遊戲中的人物一邊和其他玩家交談,這在許多的線上遊戲(第一人稱射擊、角色扮演)裡,是很煩人的一件事。因此,我們於這篇論文中提出適用於多人線上遊戲的互動範圍語音交談。 在線上遊戲裡同時可能有很多遊戲內容和使用者,但是一個玩家所能互動的範圍是有限的,而這個以玩家為中心圓形的範圍,我們便定義為互動範圍(Area of Interest)。那所謂的互動範圍語音交談便是讓玩家能自然的跟互動範圍內的其他玩家們用語音來交談,玩家能聽到互動範圍內其他玩家的聲音,反之亦然。這不但使玩家能更容易的和其他玩家交談,互動範圍內的交談更使線上遊戲變得更生動。在本論文裡,我們提出了QuadCast、SectorCast來達到互動範圍內的語音交談,我們也對這兩個方法做了許多的分析和模擬來比較他們的效能。 In recent years, massively multiplayer online games (MMOGs) have become more and more popular. Many techniques are proposed to enhance the experience of MMOGs, such as realistic 3D graphics, vivid animations, and player communication tools, etc. However, in most MMOGs, communication between players is still based on text, which is unnatural and inconvenient. In this these, we propose the concept of AOI voice chatting for MMOGs, which is voice chatting of dynamic membership based on the Area of Interest (AOI) of players in the MMOG. The term AOI is defined to be the area around a player that s/he can sense and interact. By AOI voice chatting, an MMOG player can easily chat by voice with other players within her/his AOI. This improves the way players communicate with one another and provides a more realistic virtual environment. We propose two peer-to-peer schemes, namely QuadCast and SectorCast, to achieve efficient AOI voice chatting for MMOGs. We also perform simulation experiments for the two solutions to show their performances.