摘要 藉由匝道儀控調節進入高速公路流量,維持高速公路主線上車流在一定的服務水準,是高速公路解決交通擁擠的主要方法之一。而目前在高速公路所實施之匝道儀控,仍屬固定時制計畫且大多僅考量單一匝道為主,缺乏整體性最適化儀控策略之概念。 本研究針對如何維持高速公路主線上車流在一定之服務水準下,追求用路人均衡/雙邊限制起迄旅次選擇及極小化旅次肇事風險感認等特性,建構出多目標起迄旅次矩陣推估模型,並輔之超級網路(supernetwork)的構建、結合拉氏鬆弛法(Lagrangian Relaxation)等概念,根據用路人均衡條件(User-equilibrium condition)運用Frank-Wolfe法進行交通量指派,最後提出數值範例加以驗證之,視作高速公路在多目標下起迄對旅次量資料,期為後續雙層(bi-level)最適化匝道儀控策略動態模式研究之依據。 Abstract Ramp metering control is one of the strategies to maintain traffic flows to satisfy a certain level of service in highway. However, the most ramp metering controls nowadays focus on single ramp and are pretimed without a concern of whole system. In the following study, we will formulate estimating multi-objective O-D matrices model based on user-equilibrium principle, the lowest travel time cost, and risk value to fit a certain level of service in highway. To make some progress to solve the problem, we suggest constructing a supernetwork and proceed with Frank-Wolfe method combining largrangian relaxation to do traffic assignment. Finally, we take resulting O-D data of numerical examples to be the basis of the further research of bi-level optimal dynamic ramp metering strategy problem.