提升軟體品質,藉此提高顧客的滿意度及產品的完成度,一直是軟體專案中的首要議題。本研究希冀藉由通過測試來提升軟體的品質,因此針對測試活動,提供了一系列的解決方案,包含了測試計畫與案例的管理與監控、測試瑕疵的回報、單元測試的監控、自動化需求垂直追溯表的更新和輔助開發功能測試案例的工具等。 本研究針對實務上的分析與設計,而提供的可行的測試管理系統,可以協助測試者或其他人員,進行其相關的測試活動,並藉由即時的監控報表,呈現專案測試狀態,以提升測試效率與察覺測試問題,最終達到提升軟體品質的目標。 It is always a primary issue of software projects to improve software quality for increasing the satisfaction rate of customers and the completeness of the product. This research provides a way to address this issue from testing aspect and a total solution to assist testers in managing testing, such as test plan management, test case management, defect reporting, unit testing monitoring, vertical requirement traceability updating, and supporting tool for developing functional test cases. Based on the practical analysis and design of testing problems, this research provides a testing assistant system and a total solution to facilitate testing activities and improve software quality. By real-time monitoring status of testing artifacts, relevant project members can perform their testing activities more efficiently and reveal product defects more easily. Eventually, the major defects can be removed before releasing, and software quality can be increased.