在高科技及數位化的時代,傳統的教育已無法滿足現在的需求,教室也將不侷限於戶內,由老師在台上授課的方式將有所改變,我們設計結合語音、位置資訊、3G視訊電話來開發一套數位玩具,讓多位學生能夠共同參與課程,進行學習,以競賽的方式,讓課程進行的方式更為活潑有趣。 教師可以設計出不同情境的教育地圖,地圖上有各個不同的學習關卡,比方說:英文問題、數學問題。而機器人會在該地圖上行走,當他定位在某一個關卡時,機器人將會出一題題目,由學生來與機器人互動,進行學習,當學生答對題目時,機器人會很高興的跳舞、若答錯的話,則會要求學生再接再厲,以利進行下一個關卡。學生的家長,則可以使用3G的影像電話,觀察學生的學習情況,並且可以立即與學生進行即時互動,讓整個學習的過程更加生動有趣。 Many researches point out that the advantages of peer tutoring, that is also one characteristic of robot education. It is not only a toy, but also your partner. We considered integrating speech, position information and 3G cell phone, to realize a highly-interactive education platform. Teachers can design different scene with many stages for English or mathematic. Students send out his command to the robot with motions or speech the robot travels within the scene as an adventure. And the students assist the robot to solve any quizzes it meets If the adventure processes successfully, the robot will interact happily with student otherwise, it will encourage the student to keep trying. The parents or the teacher can observe all these activities with a 3G cell phone, to give advice of learning at any time.