隨著網際網路越來越普及,網路上的資訊量也越來越龐大、豐富,並且以驚人的速度成長著。在資訊量倍數增長的情況下,使用者能夠從網路中獲取許多資訊。不過,使用者為了得到自己所需的資訊,時常必須花費許多時間於瀏覽、過濾網頁內容以及整合相關資訊。對於如何減少使用者負擔以及讓使用者能夠快速且簡單的達到網頁內容整合,一直是資訊整合相關領域所精益求精的目標。Gadget on Demand系統透過網頁抓取和資訊整合技術,幫助使用者快速且簡單的達到網頁內容整合,並提供了多種Gadget呈現模組,讓使用者可以針對自己的資料類型,選擇適合的呈現模組。雖然該系統的基本架構已完整,但功能與技術仍有許多待改進的部分。在本篇論文中,我們加強Gadget on Demand系統三個部分,讓系統的功能更加完善。第一、我們加入跨網站整合功能,讓使用者能夠透過系統,完成不同網站間的資訊整合。第二、我們定義了一個格式,用來記錄使用者的操作流程,目的是為了方便日後使用者修改Gadget以及Gadget內容的自動更新。第三、我們改進系統的頁面抓取技術,讓系統能夠抓取直譯客戶端語言後的資料,以利於系統的資訊擷取與整合。我們也於論文中列舉了數個真實世界的應用情境,像是書籍資訊的整合以及產品規格的比較…等等,使用者透過Gadget on Demand系統的幫助,確實能夠減少許多資訊整合上的負擔。 The target of information integration on the Web (IIWeb) is to decrease users' loads from repetitive work and let users mash Web data in accordance with their desire. Gadget on Demand (GOD) system, which equipped with automatic Web page fetching and unsupervised Web data extraction function, has been designed for Web information integration from single entry point with multiple runs and present result in various forms including table, list, map and calendar. In this paper we improve GOD system by filling in a new query form with extracted data from other Web sources, thus allowing cross-site information integration with multiple entry points. Furthermore, we add the gadget editing function such that gadget could be modified for different representation method. We also deal with the AJAX problem where Web contents are changed by client-side language like Javascript in a dynamic fashion and solve this problem via external calls to Web browser. We enumerate several real-world applications based on the revised GOD system, including integration of online book store and city library for storage checking and conference CFP calendar from DBWorld. The system demonstrates a potential utilization in Web2.0 generation where users are enabled with tools to create their own gadgets on demand.