需求追溯關係與變更影響分析在軟體開發上越來越受到重視,然而龐大的系統有著大量且關係複雜的文件,以人工方式維護追溯關係是一件複雜且麻煩的事,因此如何使用一個系統化的、有步驟的方式來管理與建立追溯關係為軟體開發之重要議題。 本篇論文將延伸「以目標趨動之需求追溯方法」之研究,將需求追溯擴充至設計模型與程式碼層級。在設計階段,使用目標驅動使用案例之系統候選與設計結構矩陣產生之使用案例分割區塊進行系統架構設計與細部設計。並進一步使用設計結構矩陣建立使用案例與系統設計的追溯關係。於系統實作階段,我們剖析程式碼並於設計結構矩陣中自動建立設計模型與程式碼的追溯關係。我們並將此方法設計與實作成一個系統,提供一個系統化的、有步驟的方式操作系統管理需求追溯關係。 In software development, more and more people pay attention to requirement traceability and change impact analysis. However, in a large system, it is hard to manage a large number of traceability relations between documents manually. Therefore, we need a systematic approach to handle traceability relations and perform change impact analysis when requirements change. In this paper, we use design structure matrix (DSM) to manage traceability relations between use cases, design models and codes. In design phase, we use alternatives of GDUC and use case blocks generated from DSM partitioning to design system architecture and perform system detail design. We then use DSM to establish the traceability relations from use cases to design models. In implementation phase, we can parse the codes and establish the traceability relations between design models and codes in DSM automatically. We also design and implement a system that can be used to handle traceability relations and requirement changes.