目前使用者呼叫web service時,需要使用者本身過濾和選擇web service。為了減少使用者選取service的繁複動作,更方便使用,我們利用agent結合OWL-S based web service,使用agent的自主性和OWL-S的semantics,達成更彈性更精準的 web service composition。本文專注user profile動態更新,利用OWL 將資料加上tag,來儲存使用者的靜態基本資料,並加上時間描述,符合目前使用者狀態,提供給agent讀取,找出最適合之web service。 Currently users have to filter and select web services by themselves before calling them, which bothers users a lot. In this paper, agents and web ontology language for web service (OWL-S) are uniquely combined to remedy this. With agent autonomy and OWL-S semantics, web services can be accurately and flexibly composed for users. This paper focuses on the dynamic user profile descriptions by using OWL. The profile stores static information such as user name, as well as time-relevant dynamic information. Thus, the profile matches a user’s current status, which is then provided to agent to search and compose suitable web services for the user.