近年來基於性能設計概念在國際間掀起一股非線性靜力側推分析方 法(Pushover Analysis)的研究熱潮,側推分析依據某一預定模式漸漸增加側 推力,這樣的過程中可以發現受評估的建築結構之最薄弱的樓層及結構最 後破壞的模式。由於側推分析方法的簡便性,結構工程分析人員依照基本 假定去執行非線性靜力側推分析,就可計算出結構中每一構件的强度和位 移的非線性行為。當前空間結構分析設計程式中SAP2000 程式是執行側推 分析的工具之一,SAP2000 程式允許兩種塑性鉸性質(Plastic Hinge Properties)使用於程式中,包括預設(Default)及使用者定義(User-defined)兩 種,預設塑性鉸性質是採用FEMA-356 及ATC-40 文件上的指導準則,這 些文件提供出詳細地幾個範圍的塑性鉸性質,SAP2000 程式是使用這些文 件所建議的平均值。使用SAP2000 程式執行側推分析時,要謹慎使用預設 塑性鉸性質,以避免計算結果的不保守。本論文指出預設及使用者定義塑 性鉸性質使用後的不同結果,並且建議出鋼筋混凝土構架、磚牆及鋼筋混 凝土剪力牆塑性鉸性質的計算方法。為了驗證本論文所提方法的正確性, 以空間鋼筋混凝土建築物為數值案例,並且採用非線性動力歷時分析來做 比較。 The recent advent of performance based design has brought the nonlinear static pushover analysis procedure to the forefront. Pushover analysis is a static, nonlinear procedure in which the magnitude of the structural loading is incrementally increased in accordance with a certain predefined pattern. With the increase in the magnitude of the loading, weak links and failure modes of the structure are found. Due to its simplicity, the structural engineering profession has been using the nonlinear static procedure (NSP) or pushover analysis. Modeling for such analysis requires the determination of the nonlinear properties of each component in the structure, quantified by strength and deformation capacities, which depend on the modeling assumptions. SAP2000, a state of the art, general purpose, three-dimensional structural analysis program, is used as a tool for performing the pushover. Pushover analysis of SAP2000 is carried out for either user-defined nonlinear hinge properties or default-hinge properties, available in the program based on the ATC-40 and FEMA-356 guideline. While such documents provide the hinge properties for several range of detailing, SAP2000 program may implement averaged values. The user needs to be careful; the misuse of default-hinge properties may lead to unreasonable results for existing structures. This paper studies the possible differences in the results of pushover analysis due to default and user-defined plastic hinge properties. The method for calculate user-defined plastic hinge properties of component, frame, brick wall, RC wall, were also proposed. In order to verify present method, user-defined plastic hinge properties of 3-D RC building, compared with pushover analysis and time history method were carried out.