本論文設計了一套人性化家電人機控制介面。不論使用者身在家中何處,不需拿取任何控制器,只要舉起手就可以遠端遙控家電。我們將攝影機掛載於天花板上擷取居家空間,藉由攝影機擷取使用者動作;以侵蝕擴張、標號演算法等影像前處理找出手臂區塊;依照手臂特徵分析使用者目前指向;根據使用者所在位置與各家電間的位置關係分析該次指向對應的家電;用簡單的手勢,握拳、畫圓、前推來表達控制,由軌跡辨識出手勢指令;最後經由無線網路與紅外線發射器將控制訊息傳達至電器。系統擁有相當的強健性,使用者可配帶手錶、手鍊等物,可穿著長袖或短袖不影響系統操作。控制的家電不侷限於單一個體,居家空間中所有經過設定的電器皆可使用。允許使用者以外的人同時處於影像中,使用者也能順利操作。 This paper presents a user-friendly human-computer interface. In the system, users don’t need to pickup any device, the only controller is palm. Just raise your hand pointed to the application at home, give an order you want. We use web-cam which is mounted on roof, locate arms and palm which are in the image, analysis the particular application corresponding to the palm’s direction. Then make use of simple palm action like push forward or drawing circle to ordering, passing the command through infrared ray to the corresponding application connected from wireless network. All the application which are previous set up in living space are ready to received command, even if there are more than one people in the system, users can operate in no difficulties.