本論文提出一套可使OSGi Bundles 具有代理人溝通能力之元件技術 (OSGi-ACL)。OSGi-ACL 使用JMS(Java Message Service)透過SOAP 以JMS Server 為訊息處理中心,使運行於OSGi 平台上的Bundles 互相傳遞訊息以達到代理人溝通的行為。在OSGi-ACL 中,一個Message 將可包含FIPA所定義之Communicative Acts,利用JMS Message 加以封裝傳送。在訊息傳遞部分,同時提供了Uni-casting 和Multi-casting 的傳送模式,另外也支援 非同步(Asynchronous)訊息傳遞方式。 We develop a tool, called OSGi-ACL, enabling OSGi bundles to be capable of communicating with each other through ACL (Agent Communication Language) messages. OSGi-ACL is developed based on JMS (Java Message Service) framework, which is a messaging standard that allows application components to create, send, receive, and read messages based on Java. In OSGi-ACL, a message can be instantiated with a FIPA communicative act and then be encapsulated as a JMS message. In addition, OSGi-ACL supports uni-casting and multi-casting through an asynchronous way.