在不久的將來,各式不同種類、功能的機器人,將會出現在我們的生活環境中。從工業型的機器人開始,到家中的居家服務機器人,可見機器人科技已經慢慢融入人類的日常生活當中。因此機器人控制及感測器的應用,讓機器人在人類的生活環境中執行任務,是一個相當重要的研究課題。 在本論文提出一套設計機械手掌的方法及其應用。製作一個擁有像人類手掌一樣具有壓力感測及力道控制的機械手掌,讓手掌可利用感測器,抓取任何物體,並自動調整抓取的力道,如同人手一樣。使用者可利用手套控制機械手掌的動作,或由影像輸入欲抓取的物體,藉由電腦下達控制訊號至手掌。我們以簡單的單晶片完成本論文的硬體架構實現,用以降低成本,實現系統整合晶片(SOC)的理念。 我們利用自製的機械手掌及控制器來實現這些應用,讓機械手掌透過手套及影像兩種控制方式,抓取各種物體,其中包含燈泡、飲料罐等物體,並利用壓力感測器作為回饋訊號,控制手掌抓取的力道,避免手掌施以過度壓力而讓物體損壞。 Many kinds of robots were developed in the recent year. Therefore, It will be more important to make the robots use their own sensors and controllers to adapt in the environment. In this paper, we develop a robot hand which has degree of freedom like the human hand has. Based on the human hand, our robot hand has five fingers and 20 degree of freedom. The robot hand is built from 20 actuator and 10 sensors. Each finger contains of 4 actuators and 2 pressure sensors. Robot hand uses these sensors to adjust its grasp power, which make it possible to grasp an object without cause any damage on the object. We also develop an eye system to help the robot hand to recognize an object and let the robot hand to grasp that object. Also, to improve the computer-human interface when controlling this robot hand, we develop an data glove which can be used to control the robot hand directly, or to let the computer memorize our hand position and send those data to the robot hand later. We design all algorithms on an AVR chip, and make the building cost as low as possible. All hardware and software we use in this paper are developed by our self, and most of the hardware is controlled by low-cost AVR microcontroller.