於近幾年來,隨著寬頻網路的普及與無線網路的興起,隨之而來的,是多媒體與聲光效果俱佳的眾多數位內容與周邊應用。在數年前,筆記型電腦搭配無線上網幾乎是普遍常見的組合,然而,隨著科技的進步,手持裝置的體積越來越小,功能卻不斷增強,從上網、收發E-Mail、瀏覽照片、播放影音,甚至是GPS 搭配地圖定位等功能,都有相關的開發與應用。於是乎,這種小型的手持多媒體播放網路裝置形成另一股趨勢,逐漸取代厚重而普遍的筆記型電腦,除了輕巧方便攜帶,他的特點在於客製化與功能導向,裝置上可以依不同的需求而提供不同的多媒體應用。 此類裝置可以歸類為嵌入式系統之一,其特色在於不需要很強而快速的處理器(最常見的為ARM 架構),除了在價格上占優勢外,耗電量小也是一個重大的考量。另外,由於體積小,所以可以搭載的記憶體與儲存裝置也不大。然而,像這樣的手持播放裝置,一個簡單易用的使用者介面,甚至是一個華麗的介面,似乎是吸引消費者使用的必要條件之一,於是如何在使用者介面與裝置本身限制下取得一個最大效益便是一個重要的議題。 本論文探討圖形使用者介面的設計,並修改與移植知名Google Chrome 瀏覽器的繪圖核心Skia 於ARM 9 嵌入式開發板上,目的在於設計一個輕量化的圖形使用者介面函式庫,並將此函式庫與一般Linux 上常見的繪圖函式庫作一簡單的效能評比,並整理與提出合適的手持裝置繪圖引擎解決方案。 In recent years, as the growth of broadband and wireless network, the multimedia application was become much more fancy and various as well. As the progress of technology, the size of portable device becomes small since its capability increase rapidly. Instead of huge and heavy notebook computers, such small Portable Multimedia Player (PMP) devices become another trend. PMPs is a kind of embedded system, small size, low computing power, low power consumption, low storage space and easy to use is its features. However, Graphic User Interface (GUI) is an important part since it needs to be friendly and fancy to catch user’s attention. Hence, it's a tradeoff against device restricts. Therefore, my research is to design a lightweight GUI engine for it. In this paper, we'll discuss the GUI Library, design, modify and porting the Library called Skia to an ARM 9 develop board. Besides, we provide the performance evaluation between common graphic engine and our solution. Finally, we'll propose a suitable GUI engine solution for PMP device.