學習應該是在真實情境下進行,在這樣的環境下學習是最有效率的,但是在教室並不容易建造出情境式學習環境,近年來有許多研究利用混合實境技術在教室內呈現視覺化的情境,這些研究顯示,學生在混合實境的學習活動中有較高的成效。 本論文提供一個設計劇本的架構並且製作出遊戲式情境學習系統,讓教學者可以根據這個架構將學習教材放入系統內,建造出專屬的學習環境。 本論文的實驗以英文教材為例子放入到遊戲式情境學習系統中,實驗的對象為36位大崙國中二年級的學生,學生利用系統去學習單字和單字的用法,初步的實驗結果顯示,將單字放入情境式學習系統中的學習成效比沒有放入到系統內的單字要好,採用設計好的系統,學生感覺到學習有如在玩樂。 Learning should be carried out in the real situation. Learning will be most efficient in such environment. However, it is not easy to create situation learning environment. In recent years, many researches use mixed reality present visual situation in the classroom. These researches show that student will have higher performance when studying in mixed reality environment. In our research, we provide a script design architecture and implement game based situated learning system. By using this architecture, instructors can put learning materials in our system to create a unique learning environment. In our experiment, we use English material in our system. Participants were 36 second grade students in Dalun junior high school. Students used our system to study English vocabularies and word usage. Preliminary result shows that students can learn the words which are in our system much better than the words which are not in our system. Students felt that learning like playing after they used our system.