系統識別是一個可以從地震力作用後的結構物反應來了解結構物物理參數的方法,若結構物在強烈地震作用下發生損害時,即可以藉由系統識別方法判斷出其結構物的動態特性之改變,進而評估結構物損害程度。 本論文主要在針對Izuru Takewaki and Mitsuru Nakamura提出的系統識別方法在受到真實地震力作用下的建築結構時其識別效果之探討,並且以數值模擬的方式來驗證在不同地震下的識別效果,也探討其識別公式之敏感度,最後再以真實之振動台實驗來對其識別公式作驗證。 System identification is a kind of technique to realize the physical parameters. Someone can find the degree of damage and change by using this technique if structure has injury by earthquake and then estimate damage of structure. This paper is point on Izuru Takewaki and Mitsuru Nakamura’s system identification theory under ground strong motion and discusses sensitive of this theory and if the input data changes the system identification result changes. In the end using two real response data to identified the physical parameters of shaking table.