有鑒於早期老舊之鋼筋混凝土建築物的耐震評估,將梁柱系統抗彎構架的梁柱接頭視為剛性體,當地震力作用時,僅考慮柱構件與梁構件引起之側向位移,忽略接頭變形造成之影響。因此本研究將梁柱接頭模擬成平板抗剪的形式,並以應力場桁架軟化模式做理論依據,進行梁柱接頭在載重歷時中,所產生的剪力衰減曲線的評估,且更近一步將此曲線加入傳統抗彎構架之層間剪力與側向位移之預測,以供結構分析工程師對於接頭行為有充分的掌握。 由分析45根梁柱接頭試體得知,本預測模式在評估接頭內無箍筋或是少量箍筋之試體,換言之,即產生接頭剪力破壞者,評估其側向力與側向位移曲線,結果較為準確。但若是忽略了柱與梁因剪力變形造成之側向位移,將使得評估結果有著低估的現象產生。對於梁端先產生塑性鉸,即強柱弱梁試體,本預測模式僅可提供層間變位角較小之側向力與側向位移曲線,並有待更多的實驗進行分析與驗證,以提高本模型適用之試體範圍。 This thesis comes from an idea of seismic assessment for RC non-ductile structure. In traditional frame analysis, rigid part of beam-column joints was taken into account. However, it is not adequate for estimating the frame deformation during earthquake if ignoring the effect of beam-column joint deformation. The purpose of this study is to simulate the beam-column joint using a panel truss model via present concrete softened theories to find out the degradation curve of joint. Then the joint shear degradation curve is added to the story shear-deflection prediction. Estimation of 45 beam-column joints indicated that this study can predict the frames with joint shear failure mode well. Thus, if the effect of joint deformation was neglected, the predicted results might be un-conservative. For the frames with strong column-weak beam mode, the proposed model still satisfies the actual frame response occurred in a smaller story drift ration. Yet it cannot predict well in the larger frame response and needs more model modification and experimental verification.