近年來行動通訊終端裝置的發展越趨輕薄短小,且有別於已開發市場行動通訊的成長趨於飽和,對新興國家來說,仍然有許多人因無法負擔昂貴的價錢而未能享受到行動通訊所帶來的便利,因此小型化,低成本,具多媒體能力的行動通訊解決方案已成為通訊界的一個重要研究方向。 本論文為設計一小型化的GSM/GPRS行動通訊模組,應用高整合度的通訊晶片,並導入多層印刷電路板佈局的技術與雙面擺件的設計方法,將行動通訊模組的尺寸降低,並透過優化的電路佈局設計,保持模組優異的性能 , 與抗雜訊的能力。 小型化的行動通訊模組可提供產品整體機構設計上更大的彈性空間,例如可設計更大的共鳴音腔以獲得更好的多媒體音響效果,或是規劃出更大的電池空間置放更大蓄電力的電池以加強行動通訊產品的使用時間,讓行動通訊產品的設計與應用更具可塑性。 Recently the trend of mobile communication device is getting smaller and thinner every year , and not like almost everyone in advanced countries has experienced the convenience of mobile communication , in the emerging market like China , India , Brazil and Russia there are still many people can’t afford the expensive mobile communication device , so how to design a samller and cheaper mobile communication device is a popular topic . In order to reduce the size of print circuit board , the GSM/GPRS module is designed by multilayer print circuit board and double side placement method , by using the highly integrated system IC , the module can minimize the size and cost of print circuit board , and also minimize the system power consumption of standby mode and talking mode ;through the optimized component placement and circuit trace layout , the miniature GSM/GPRS module has no TDMA noise and can pass the criteria of ETSI TS26.132 .