博碩士論文 92342016 詳細資訊

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姓名 張智安(Tee-Ann Teo)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 整合光達點雲與地形圖模塑建物之分治策略
(A Divide-and-Conquer Strategy for Building Reconstruction Using Lidar Point Clouds and Topographic Maps)
★ 中華二號衛星影像幾何模擬及方位重建★ 立體航測影像直線與圓弧輪廓建物半自動之三維模型重建
★ 含房屋之中華二號衛星影像幾何模擬及校正★ 空照立體像對中半自動化矩形人工建物重建之研究
★ 近景數化影像半自動式混凝土裂縫量測★ 建築物幾何模塑及其於航照影像正射化之應用
★ EROS A 衛星影像幾何改正之研究★ IKONOS衛星影像正射改正之研究
★ 時間序列之混凝土影像半自動裂縫變遷偵測★ 由EROS A衛星立體對影像產生正射影像及數值地表模型之研究
★ 多重疊航照立體對半自動房屋模型重建★ 結合光達資料與數位空照影像重建三維建物模型
★ 高解析力衛星影像真實正射改正及遮蔽區域補償★ 多航帶推掃式衛星方位平差及影像正射化
★ 結合光達資料與大比例尺向量圖重建三維建物模型★ 空載三線式掃描儀影像立體定位之研究
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摘要(中) 數碼城市是真實城市於資訊系統中建構的數位式虛擬版,數碼城市可應用於城市之規劃、設計、建設、及管理等。房屋模型為數碼城市中重要的元件之一。在傳統航測製圖作業中,使用航空影像立體對重建房屋模型。近年來,光達系統技術漸趨成熟,提供了另一類資料進行房屋建模,因此,本研究之目的為使用光達點雲進行房屋重建。
摘要(英) The cyber city has demonstrated its potential as a replica of the real one in urban and environmental planning, design, construction, and management. The building model is one of the most important elements in a cyber city. Traditionally, the reconstruction of building models is performed by using aerial photography. An emerging technology, the airborne lidar (Light Detection and Ranging) system provides a promising alternative. Hence, in this investigation we utilize lidar point clouds for building reconstruction.
The first part of this investigation presents a scheme for the reconstruction of building models from lidar point clouds and topographic maps using the divide-and-conquer strategy. The proposed scheme comprises three major parts: (1) decomposition of building boundaries; (2) shaping of building primitives; and (3) combination of building primitives. In the decomposition of building boundaries, the lidar data is selected to extract the inner structure lines. Then, building boundaries are divided using the extracted feature lines by the split procedure into several building primitives. To shape the building primitives, parameter fitting is applied to shape the roof for each building primitive from lidar point clouds. The roof shapes include both planar and circular types. Finally, a least squares adjustment process which considers the co-planarity and co-linearity is used to merge the 3-D building primitives into building models.
In the second part of this investigation the effects of point cloud density for roof splitting and roof shaping are analyzed. Since the lidar is a non-targeting sampling system, the measurements are randomly distributed over the surface. Thus, the density of point clouds is an important issue in the reconstruction of complex objects. We focus on the relationship among point density, noise level, roof complexity, and the accuracy of generated roofs. Experimental results indicate that the accuracy improves as the point density increases. In shaping accuracy results, an accuracy of 15cm may be reached when the outliers are smaller than 30%. For non-flat roofs, the same accuracy may be achieved, provided that no more than at most 15% outliers exist.
The proposed method is tested with the data collected from Taipei and Pingdong city in Taiwan. The reconstruction rate is better than 90% while the omission error is smaller than 5%. The planimetric and vertical accuracy of the reconstructed models are both better than 50cm. The experimental results confirm that the proposed scheme produces high fidelity models.
關鍵字(中) ★ 重建
★ 分治策略
★ 地形圖
★ 房屋
★ 光達
關鍵字(英) ★ Lidar
★ Topographic Maps
★ Building
★ Reconstruction
★ Divide-and-Conquer Strategy
論文目次 摘要 i
誌謝 iv
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Research Objectives and Scope 4
1.3 Contribution 5
1.4 Dissertation Organization 6
2.1 Models for Building Representation 7
2.2 Procedure of Building Extraction 11
2.3 Degree of Automation for Building Extraction 14
2.4 Data Sources for Building Extraction 21
2.4.1 Map driven 21
2.4.2 Image driven 21
2.4.3 Elevation driven 22
2.4.4 Data fusion 23
2.4.5 Summary of Data Sources for Building Extraction 27
2.5 Roof Splitting for Building Reconstruction 29
2.5.1 Approaches to Roof Splitting 29
2.5.2 Algorithms for Roof Splitting using the Edge-driven approach 29
2.5.3 Algorithms for Roof Splitting using the Facet-driven approach 30
2.5.4 Algorithms for Roof Splitting using the Map-driven method 33
2.5.5 Summary of Roof Splitting 34
2.6 Shaping Accuracy of Lidar Data 34
2.7 Summary 38
3.1 Data Preprocessing 39
3.2 Decomposition of Building Boundaries 41
3.2.1 Extraction of the Step Edge 42
3.2.2 Extraction of Ridge Lines 43
3.2.3 Geometric Regularization 47
3.3 Shaping of Building Primitives 48
3.3.1 Data Snooping 49
3.3.2 Shaping of Planar Roofs 51
3.3.3 Shaping of Curvilinear Roofs 52
3.4 Combination of Building Primitives. 59
3.5 Summary 62
4.1 Analysis of Roof Splitting 63
4.1.1 Parameter Selection 65
4.1.2 Point Simulation 66
4.1.3 Roof Splitting 66
4.1.4 Reliability of Splitting 67
4.1.5 Experimental Results from Simulated Data 67
4.2 Analysis of Shaping Accuracy 71
4.2.1 Parameter Selection 73
4.2.2 Point Simulation 74
4.2.3 Shape Determination 74
4.2.4 Accuracy Assessment 76
4.2.5 Experimental Results from Simulated Data 76
4.2.6 Experimental Results from Real Data 85
4.3 Summary 88
5.1 Case I 91
5.2 Case II 98
5.3 Summary 107
6.1 Conclusions 108
6.2 Limitations 109
6.3 Future Work 110
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指導教授 陳良健(Liang-Chien Chen) 審核日期 2008-7-16
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