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姓名 陳淑芳(Shu-fang Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 人力資源管理研究所
論文名稱 台灣就業人口工時偏好的研究
(The Study of Preference of Work Hours of Employees in Taiwan)
★ 企業全球化布局的可行模式:以趨勢科技為個案研究★ 轉換型領導與企業創新-以T公司為例
★ 高階經理人薪酬決定因子之研究:以C公司為例★ 高等教育師資移動因素之探討
★ 高階經理人誘因機制隊公司財務槓桿之影響★ 企業購併後對員工工作壓力與工作績效之影響 -以台新銀行為例
★ 影響消費性電子產品業知識工作者留任意願因素之探討-以L公司為例★ 高離職率職位招募甄選工具之應用與研究-以台灣人壽公司為例
★ 綠色職場生活與綠色家庭生活平衡之研究★ 個人績效評估與時序變動之動態資料包絡分析: 人力資本效率模型的模式發展與實證分析
★ 企業社會責任與招募成效關聯性之研究★ 高科技產業工程專業人員職能需求分析~以某半導體公司為例
★ SOHO族經營技術來源之初探★ 銀行業主管人員管理能力取得管道及其決定因素之分析
★ 經濟發展與員工福利★ 高科技產業知識創造與產品創新之研究
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摘要(中) 21世紀開始,台灣正式邁入了知識經濟時代,行業、職業特性轉變,使得員工工作時間的需求跳脫出傳統的固定工時與固定時段。我國政府遂於2000年修訂勞動基準法,使工時規範更具彈性化以符合人民需求與順應國際潮流。但是,台灣多數雇主仍然使用僵化的固定工時,使得員工無法享受工時彈性化的好處。此外,根據2005年瑞士洛桑管理學院公布的《世界競爭力年報》,台灣人在2005年的平均工時已超過2,300個小時,居全球之冠。因此,本研究意在探討台灣現行的工時狀況、影響員工工時長短的因素、比較藍領員工與白領員工工時長短與工時偏好的差異、了解員工對於工時彈性化的需求、探討提升工時彈性化的可行方法。
摘要(英) Since 2000 Taiwan has been moving towards the stage of knowledge-based economy and thus the structure of industries and occupations have been changing rapidly, and both employers and employees demand for a more flexibile work schedule in order to coup with the new economic environment. In response to these needs the government has revised the Labor Standards Law to relex the work hour regulations and thus make work hours more flexible. However, most employers in Taiwan still have the rigid and fixed work schedule. According to IMD, in 2005 employees in Taiwan had the longest annual work hours in the world. The purpose of this study is to investigate the present situation of work hours in Taiwan, factors affecting work schedule and pattern of work hours, comparing work hour preference between blue and white collar employees, employees demand for flexibile work schedule and work hours, and finally the possibilities of making work hour more flexible in Taiwan.
This study is divided into three parts, by using data collected by government and supplmented by data collected by this writer via mailed questionnaires we first provide the descriptive statistics of these data and then logistic regression of these government and privately collected data. In the first part of this paper we analyze data collected by the government. The results show that work hours in Taiwan have been shortened since 1980, and males have longer work hours than females. Most employees expressed the gaps between their ideal and actual work hours. At the same time, the problem of working time preference of the female is more serious than the male. Before 1995, 25-49 year-old male employees worked the longest work hours, while since 2000 employees who are 50 years old and above have the longest work hours and older female workers have shorter work hours. In general workers male amd female alike who are better educated enjoy shorter work hours.
Since white and blue collar workers have different preference towards work hours and since Taiwan is moving towards knowledge-based economy which means ther will be more and more white collear workers and there we sent out mailed questionnaires to a sample of white collar workers in the Notheren part of Taiwan in finding out the work hour preference of these white collar workers. In the second part of this study we analyze these mailed questionnaires and the results show that the work hours for white collear have not been decling in recent years and male white collar workers work longer hours than their counterparts, female white collar workers. There are gaps between white collar workers’ ideal and actual work hours also, and the gap is wider for females than for male workers. It is also interesting to find that better educated white collar workers would like to work more hours than the hours they currently have becausae there is an association between the length of work hours and the opportunity of promotion.
In the third part of this study we discuss the ways in which Taiwan government can learn from foreign governments in closing the gap between idea and actual work hours of the employees in Taiwan.
關鍵字(中) ★ 工時偏好
★ 彈性工時
★ 工作時間
關鍵字(英) ★ preference of work hours
★ flexible work hours
★ work hours
論文目次 第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 2
第二章 文獻回顧 3
第一節 工作時間 3
第二節 彈性工時制度 6
第三節 工時偏好 10
一、工時偏好的背景 10
二、影響工時偏好的因子 10
第四節 時間分配理論:實際工時與理想工時的差距 14
一、簡單勞動—休閒模型 14
二、實際工時與理想工時的差距 14
第三章 研究方法 17
第一節 研究架構 17
第二節 研究假設 18
第三節 研究工具 19
一、 樣本資料收集 19
二、 變項操作型定義與衡量方法 19
三、 敘述性統計 21
四、 邏輯迴歸分析(Logistic Regression Analysis) 22
第四章 實證研究 23
一、 台灣每周工時的趨勢 23
二、 台灣男性與女性的工時 28
三、 台灣員工工時偏好與實際工時的落差 28
四、 台灣女性的工時偏好 31
五、 全時工作者長時工作之決定因素 32
第五章 抽樣調查結果與分析 38
第一節 樣本特性分析 38
第二節 工時與工時偏好 41
一、每週平均工時 41
二、工時偏好 41
三、影響工時偏好的因素 46
第三節 北部地區白領員工長工時的決定因素 53
第六章 結論與建議 54
第一節 實證研究結果 54
第二節 抽樣調查研究結果 56
第三節 外國政府解決工時偏好與實際工時差距之方法 62
一、美國公部門實施時間津貼制度 62
二、美國私部門實施時間津貼制度 63
第四節 管理意涵 66
一、對政府的建議 66
二、對企業的建議 66
第五節 研究限制 68
第六節 後續研究建議 69
參考文獻 70
一、中文部分 70
二、外國部分 70
三、網站資料 73
附錄 問卷 74
參考文獻 一、中文部分
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指導教授 李誠(Joseph S. Lee) 審核日期 2007-7-11
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