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姓名 李鈴惠(Ling-hui Lee)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 人力資源管理研究所
論文名稱 五大人格量表的效用分析-以Brogden-Cronbach-Gleser及Raju-Burke-Normand Model為例
(The Utility Analysis of Big Five Personality by Brogden-Cronbach-Gleser Model and Raju-Burke-Normand Model)
★ 人格特質對工作績效影響之探討-以F銀行財富管理事業群人員為例★ 護理人員的人格特質與工作滿意及工作績效之關係—以工作壓力為調節變項
★ 護理人員之工作壓力、工作動機、工作滿意與工作績效的影響-以某公立醫院為例★ 心理契約與勞雇關係之關聯性探討
★ 情緒智力對工作動機、工作滿意及工作績效之影響-以人力資源工作者為例。★ 社會人際行為模式測驗與工作績效間關連性之探討
★ 財務與非財務獎酬對工作動機與工作滿意度之干擾研究-以M直銷公司為例★ 薪酬制度與員工績效表現之個案研究
★ 領導行為、員工創新行為及績效表現關聯性之個案探討★ 高科技廠商薪資策略與離職率關係之探討
★ 人力資源管理系統與組織文化之交互作用對組織績效的影響★ 情境式與行為描述式結構性面談之比較研究
★ 日薪人員與月薪人員之工作動機傾向對其工作績效與工作滿意之影響★ 本地員工人格特質與對外派人員的利他行為、互動適應之關連探討
★ 五大人格量表的效用分析—以Taylor-Russell、Naylor-Shine 及Brogden-Cronbach-Gleser 模型為例★ 工作動機的效用分析
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摘要(中) 人格特質的測量的確有助於行為的預測,因此常被用來當作甄選工具(Costa & McCrae, 1992; Barrick & Mount, 2005)。與工作有關的人格特質可以被歸類為五大構面,即所稱的五大人格(Barrick, Mount & Judge, 2001)。有關人格特質與工作績效之關係的研究不乏其數,但在測量人格特質在工作績效之效用一直是個很大的挑戰。效用分析模型是用以反映組織內方案執行成果之模型,反映任務或專案對組織增加的價值,本研究即探討五大人格與工作績效之間的關係,並運用效用分析的概念,使用Brogden-Cronbach-Gleser (1965)與Raju-Burke-Normand(1990)兩種模型,計算出五大人格對工作績效以金錢單位所表示的影響程度。
  研究以個案公司現職員工為樣本,針對有效回收及與績效配對成功的369個樣本進行分析與測量。研究結果如下:(1)勤勉謹慎性對他評工作績效有正向影響;親和性、勤勉謹慎性、開放學習性對自評工作績效有正向影響;(2)人格對他評績效影響之金錢價值,以BCG模型測得新台幣2,290,141元,以RBN模型測得新台幣717,854元;(3) 人格對自評績效影響之金錢價值,以BCG模型測得新台幣18,156,872元,以RBN模型測得新台幣3,226,369元。之後針對研究結果對效用分析在實務運用上給予建議與討論。
摘要(英) As Jim Collin (2001) says, “The executives who ignited the transformation from good to great first got the right people on the bus,” to emphasizing the importance of human capital. Researches investigating the nature of Person-Organization Fit which argues that people leave jobs that are not compatible with their personalities (Bowen, Ledford & Nathan, 1991; Kristof, 1996; Schneider, 1987; Schneider, Goldstein & Smith, 1995) have been one of major issue in HR field. People matters to which the extent we think it were. Years of research have resulted in a number of practically utility models in selection instruments, such as assessment center and cognitive ability test. However, previous researches draw less attention on the utility models in personality. This study presents Big Five Model of personality as a predictor of job performance and estimates the utility of personality tests by applying the Brogden-Cronbach-Gleser and the Raju-Burke-Normand utility models. 369 samples gathered from the company. Goldberg’s (2001) International Personality Inventory Pool (IPIP) Big Five questionnaire is used. The results show that : (1) Conscientiousness has positive effect on job performance rated by supervisors; Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, and Openness to Experience are valid predictors of job performance rated by oneself; (2) In supervisor-rating performance, total utility in Big Five personality test yields NT$ 2,290,141 via Brogden-Cronbach-Gleser model and NT$ 717,854 via Raju-Burke-Normand model; (3) In self-rating performance, total utility in Big Five personality test yields NT$ 18,156,872 via Brogden-Cronbach-Gleser model and NT$3,226,369 via Raju-Burke-Normand model. After the calculations, implications and restrictions are mentioned to fulfill the better utility analysis in practice.
關鍵字(中) ★ 工作績效
★ 人格
★ 五大人格
★ 效用分析
關鍵字(英) ★ Big Five
★ personality
★ job performance
★ utility analysis
論文目次 Chapter One Introduction 1
Chapter Two Literature Review 5
2-1 Personality 5
2-1-1 Personality and Selection 6
2-2 Big five 7
2-2-1 Agreeableness. 8
2-2-2 Conscientiousness. 8
2-2-3 Extroversion. 8
2-2-4 Neuroticism (Emotional Stability) 8
2-3-5 Openness to Experience. 9
2-3 Big Five Personality and Its Relationship with Performance 10
2-4 Utility Analysis 15
2-4-1 Brogden-Cronbach-Gleser Model. 17
2-4-2 Raju-Burke-Normand Model. 18
2-5 Utility Aspects of Selection 20
Chapter Three Method 22
3-1 Research Design 23
3-2 Utility Models 23
3-3 Measurement of Job Performance in Dollar Amount 26
3-4 International Personality Inventory Pool Questionnaire (IPIP) 27
3-3-1 Contents of IPIP. 27
3-5 Participants 29
3-6 Data Collection 30
3-6-1 Big Five Personality. 30
3-6-2 Performance Appraisal. 30
3-6-3 Compensation. 31
3-7 Data Analysis Procedures 31
Chapter Four Result 32
4-1 Descriptive Statistics 32
4-2 Factor Analysis 34
4-3 Reliability Analysis 35
4-4 Correlation Analysis 36
4-5 Multiple Regression Model 38
4-6 Utility Calculation 40
4-6-1 Brogden-Cronbach-Gleser Model. 40
4-6-2 Raju-Burke-Normand Model.. 41
4-7 Discussion 44
Chapter Five Conclusion and Suggestion 47
5-1 Conclusion 47
5-2 Limitations and Future Research Suggestion 48
5-3 Managerial Implications 49
Reference 50
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指導教授 房美玉(Mei-yu Fang) 審核日期 2009-7-20
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