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姓名 賴哲儇(Jhe-syuan Lai)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 高光譜影像立方體於特徵空間之三維紋理計算
(Three Dimensional Texture Computation in Feature Space for Hyperspectral Image Cubes)
★ 三維房屋模型實景紋理影像製作與敷貼之研究★ 紋理輔助高解析度衛星影像分析應用於偵測入侵性植物分布之研究
★ 利用高光譜影像偵測外來植物-以恆春地區銀合歡為例★ 以視訊影像進行三維房屋模型實景紋理敷貼之研究
★ 區塊式Level of Detail地景視覺模擬之研究★ 高光譜影像立方體紋理特徵之三維計算
★ 漸變式多重解析度於大型地景視覺模擬之應用★ 區塊式LOD網格細化於大型地形視覺模擬之應用
★ 多層次精緻度三維房屋模型之建置★ 影像修補技術於牆面紋理影像遮蔽去除之應用
★ 結合遙測影像與GIS資料以資料挖掘 技術進行崩塌地辨識-以石門水庫集水區為例★ 利用近景影像提高三維建物模型之細緻化等級
★ 以地面及空載光達點雲重建複雜物三維模型★ 高精緻度房屋模型結合蟻群演算法於室內最佳路徑選擇之應用
★ 二次微分法於空載全波形光達之特徵萃取與地物分類★ 雲線擬合於全波形光達之特徵萃取與地物分類
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摘要(中) 遙測影像中的特徵大部分呈現不規則及複雜型態,紋理分析能夠考慮鄰近像元間的關係,對地物辨識度能達到不錯的成果,因此是遙測影像分析的重要方法。遙測影像的紋理分析,主要利用以統計法為基礎的灰階共生矩陣萃取特徵,提高分類時地物的識別力。傳統的灰階共生矩陣主要以二維形式產生,而高光譜影像在特徵空間觀點中,已含有volumetric data的特性,故有三維紋理計算的可行性。
由於本研究以特徵空間的觀點,視高光譜影像為volumetric data,使得三維紋理計算有其可行性。因此本文先利用真實volumetric data的磁振造影資料萃取三維紋理特徵,進行研究方法的初步驗證,再以高光譜影像立方體測試。研究成果顯示,灰階共生張量場於磁振造影如預期可增進分類精度。而在高光譜影像立方體的分析,以半變異元分析決定空間的視窗尺寸,配合分離度分析訂定光譜方向的視窗大小,可產生較佳的三維紋理計算;而灰階共生張量場在多數的統計指標也能有效地提升特徵萃取與地物分類的成果。
摘要(英) The characteristics of remote sensing imagery exhibit a majority of irregular and complex patterns. Because texture analysis can achieve good results in extracting spatial features from complex images by considering the relationship among adjacent pixels, it is an important method in remote sensing image analysis. Texture analysis of remote sensing imagery mainly uses statistics-based gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) to extract features and improve the classification results. The traditional GLCM is in two-dimensional (2D) form. Because hyperspectral imagery in the feature space has the characteristic of volumetric data, it has a great potential for three-dimensional (3D) texture analysis.
Previous studies have extended the computation of traditional GLCM to a 3D form, and performed better in classification. However, the core of 3D computation of GLCM was still in a 2D matrix. To truly explore volumetric texture characteristics, this study further extended texture matrix to a tensor field (Gray Level Co-occurrence Tensor Field, GLCTF) that uses three voxels to extract subtle features from image cubes, and utilizes third order statistical computation.
For classification applications, the kernel size for texture computation has a significant impact to the results. For 3D texture computation, kernel size can be determined effectively with semi-variance analysis in the spatial domain. However, in a hyperspectral image cube, one of the dimensions is spectral. Therefore, semi-variance analysis might yield improper kernel size in this dimension. To address this issue, this study developed an algorithm based on separability measures to identity appropriate kernel size in the spectral dimension for 3D texture computation.
The developed algorithms were applied to 3D texture computation of Magnetic Resonance Images (MRI), whose dimensions are all spatial, to test its validity. Experimental results demonstrate that GLCTF performs better as expected in real volumetric datasets. Consequently, the method was further extended to extract subtle features from hyperspectral image cubes. Evaluations of the classification results indicate that semi-variance analysis and separability measures can determine more appropriate kernel sizes for 3D texture computation and GLCTF in most indexes has better classification results in the test cases.
關鍵字(中) ★ 紋理分析
★ 灰階共生矩陣
★ 灰階共生張量場
★ 半變異元分析
★ 光譜分離度分析
關鍵字(英) ★ Texture Analysis
★ Semi-Variance Analysis
★ Separability Measures
論文目次 摘要 I
謝誌 V
目錄 VI
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 XIV
第一章 前言 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 文獻回顧 4
1-3 研究動機與目的 6
第二章 研究方法 8
2-1 灰階共生矩陣二維計算 8
2-1-1建立灰階共生矩陣 9
2-1-2 量化灰階共生矩陣與產生紋理影像 11
2-1-3 二維灰階共生矩陣影響因子 13
2-2 灰階共生矩陣三維計算 18
2-3 灰階共生張量場計算 21
2-4半變異元分析 24
2-5分離度分析 28
第三章 MRI案例驗證 32
3-1資料介紹 34
3-2 紋理計算與成果比較 36
第四章 高光譜影像測試 41
4-1 ISIS案例 42
4-1-1 資料介紹 42
4-1-2 視窗尺寸計算 46
4-1-3 紋理計算與成果比較 62
4-2 Hyperion案例 66
4-2-1 資料介紹 66
4-2-2 第一組資料之視窗尺寸計算 69
4-2-3 第一組資料之紋理計算與成果比較 90
4-2-4 第二組資料之視窗尺寸計算 93
第五章 結論與建議 99
參考文獻 102
附錄 107
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指導教授 蔡富安(Fuan Tsai) 審核日期 2009-7-20
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