摘要(英) |
This paper presents a designed optimal method to reduce cost for Concrete formwork. The traditional construction industry has been inefficient and unsafe, therefore many accidents occurred from time to time to cause a great amount of damage. The enumerative algorithm has been used by academies as the optimal designed combination for the formwork. However, the formula is considered as inefficient and time consuming; furthermore, the result couldn’t guarantee to achieve the best result. The main goal of this research is to improve the existing problems regarding safety and cost to have the best model. The model includes the analyze and design of the column, wall, and the slab formwork system.
The research of this paper has developed into two models (1) Integer nonlinear program model – NP-hard problems. We can use LINGO to solve local optimum. In comparison with enumerative algorithm, the above model is more practical, easy, and efficient. (2) Dynamic program model – an heuristic algorithm developed from dynamic program concept. In comparison with the enumerative algorithm, the above model can save a lot of time in unnecessary calculation procedure. In reality test for two models nearly obtain to same results. |
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