摘要(英) |
The literature found (Dennis C. Mueller and Burkhard Raunig (1999)) standard "structure - conduct - performance" model when the industry as the homogeneity "structure - conduct - performance" model framework of a very good explanation, when the industry is heterogeneity "structure - conduct - performance" model framework analysis will be misleading.
In this study, according to cluster analysis methods, firms will be divided into different performance of the group, follow the "structure - conduct - performance" model using the balanced panel data of 2002-06 year our country information electron industry, discusses the market structure, the firm conduct and the market performance relatedness. Empirical found:(1) Export degree reduces the PCM profit, the reason lies in our country adepts is OEM foundry, and trade-oriented industrial structure, the foundry products are not to its own brand of international marketing, thus unable to differentiate products, thus creating excess profits. (2) The greater share of the market makers, representatives of firms with high efficiency, thus the greater of concentration of industry, will enable firms higher profit margins. (3) Firms with high debt ratio, will try to avoid the pursuit of high rewards PCM due to further raise prices lost market share. (4) Productivity indicators (net benefits for each employee), empirical analysis of the group are all firms showed statistical significant. The reaction of the economies of scale, particularly for high-performance group of firms owned by the technology, high-density R&D activities and management skills, capital- intensive firms reflects the higher productivity benefits. (5) Industry sales growth rate of increase is conducive to firms to increase their revenue, thus increasing profit margins. (6) Impact of fluctuations in the economy, business expansion or contraction period, the firms of different groups have different behaviour. (7) The real exchange rate and PCM present the negative relations, trade-oriented firms due to real exchange rate led to the competitiveness of firms lower than the cost of imports due to the appreciation of the real exchange rate, led to lower degree of PCM is more important. |
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