摘要(英) |
Traditionally, the development of information systems for construction industry is step-by-step and each system is only for a specific purpose. Such as estimation, scheduling, financing, salary etc. Through the years, enterprise accumulated lots of transaction data. The problem of data exchange in different information systems is very important and difficult. The enterprise has to spend more resources to maintain the information systems. The idea of Enterprise Resource planning ( ERP ) system is to integrate all the information within a enterprise. As long as a data is input, all modules could use this data. It can be sure the information will be more accurate and updated.
An ERP system includes all business models of a enterprise. As a result, the system is very complex and expensive. Not all enterprises can successfully implement a ERP system. Besides, construction industry has some characteristic which are very different from other industries, such as
1. Custom made and one-of-a-kind product.
2. Site dependent,
3. Long delivery duration, and,
4. Difficult quality control etc.
Thus the resources planning would be more difficult.
Two cases were investigated in this study. The purpose and objective of the company were studied. The problems during implementation were also explored. It is observed that the future development of the company and the system should be considered. The immediate effect of introducing ERP system into a company is the reduction of duplicated input of various kinds of data. The continued training of company employees to fully utilize the system is very important. |
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