摘要(英) |
Under the global development of sustainable construction, the reuse and recycling of construction and demolition wastes (CD&Ws) is getting more and more attentions. This research focuses on the problem of where to put the recycling plant in a studied area, in order to minimize the cost considering the amounts of demolition wastes in the area. Literature reviews are first conducted to synthesize the factors considered in literatures in finding the location for a similar facility. Questionnaire is then conducted and the SPSS analysis is employed for determining the most important factors in selecting the best location. They are regulations, land issue, transportation distance, initialization cost and the environmental impacts. A mathematical programming model is then developed to take into account those factors. In the model, the area in consideration is divided into n-by-n zones with the same size. The objective is to find the best zone to minimize the total cost of installation (land), transportation and environmental impacts, while subject to the amount of CD&Ws generated in each zones. The developed model is verified with different scenarios for its soundness. It is further validated with a case study of Taipei County to find the best location for putting a recycle plant. The result is promising. Conclusions and findings are reported. |
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