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黃文郁(Wen-Yu Huang)
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營建管理研究所 |
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建置建築施工實務百科系統之研究 (Study on Developing a Building Construction Encyclopedia for Industrial Learners)
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摘要(中) |
如何消弭知識斷層,讓資訊透明公開、知識取得無時間差,並凝聚營建專業社群,達到營建知識的活化、創新、再利用,將對產業的整體素質提升具有極高效益。故本研究於探討相關文獻並透過專家訪談後,建置建築施工實務百科系統,將建築工程施作相關知識進行整合,輔以討論區讓個人化經驗得以交流,工程實務面之知識與經驗也可交流與傳承。除使用者使用後能對營建業施作相關知識產生整體性概念,公司亦可藉由平台內部資料做為員工教育訓練或整合公司內部的知識管理系統。透過平台的利用降低營建業重複性學習成本的支出,並過交流方式提昇產業的整體素質。 |
摘要(英) |
The know-how and skills in the construction industry have been inherited through an unknown process in centuries. Similar mistakes have to be corrected repeated in time-space cross-sections due to the lack of proper knowledge management industry-wide. The benefit of an open-structure knowledge bank, available to all industrial learners, is apparent.
The issue of industry-wide knowledge management is further troubled by the fragmentation of the industry, in which ninety percent of the firms are considered small- to medium-size. This makes the hope for intra-firm training and education unlikely. The trend of movement among newcomers into the industry further exacerbates the problem, as they possess quite little loyalty to the employing firm, and the employing firm’’s investment on them would seem irrational. Therefore, the chicken-and-egg problem is prevailing. Newcomers acquire very little help from the experienced in career development, and the employing firms suffer talent shortage because of constant in-waves and out-waves of new hires.
This work aims to aid in mitigating the aforementioned problem, by offering an internet-based encyclopedia of construction methods. The proposed system not only allows practitioners to contribute segmented pieces of knowledge, but also welcomes free exchange of ideas and conversations on the net. The premise of this work hinges upon the success of the renowned Wikipedia, of which altruistic writers have by anonymous collaboration created an encyclopedia, vying with all other similar, yet commercially based ones.
This work bases its structure on requirements gained from expert interviews and tests its usefulness also with field practitioners, who represent future users of the system. It is believed that the proposed system, with its current content, can be used as a platform of intra-firm training purpose. While on the internet, the proposed system will further attracts input from other beneficiaries. Although without definite success, this work can be seen as one of the many trials toward the same goal, namely creating a learning community within the construction industry. |
關鍵字(中) |
★ 建築工程施作流程 ★ 社群 ★ 知識管理 ★ Wik |
關鍵字(英) |
★ Wikipedia ★ Learning Community ★ Knowledge Management |
論文目次 |
摘 要 I
謝 辭 III
目 錄 V
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 IX
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究動機 1
1-2 研究目的 3
1-3 研究範圍 3
1-4 研究方法與流程 4
第二章 文獻回顧 7
2-1 知識學習 7
2-1-1 營建產業的特性 7
2-1-2 營建領域知識之形成與傳承 7
2-1-3 電腦之運用與營建知識傳遞 8
2-1-4 營建業知識傳遞方法之回顧 11
2-2 資訊時代之知識平台 11
2-2-1 Wiki 12
2-2-1-1 Wikipedia 13
2-2-2 Blog 14
2-2-3 Yahoo!奇摩知識+ 16
2-2-4 討論區 16
2-2-5 BBS 17
2-2-6 線上百科全書 17
2-3 結語 18
第三章 系統架構與設計 19
3-1 使用者需求分析及專家訪談結果 19
3-2 系統模組 22
3-2-1 Wiki基本功能模組 24
3-2-2 討論區功能模組 27
3-3 系統管理機制探討 29
3-4 建築施工實務百科知識架構 30
第四章 系統實作與功能驗證 34
4-1 系統開發工具 34
4-2 系統實作 35
4-2-1 資訊閱讀/檢索 36
4-2-2 本文的超連結 41
4-2-3 討論區 47
4-3 驗證設計與實施 51
4-3-1 驗證課題 51
4-3-2 驗證方法與步驟 51
4-4 驗證結果之分析與討論 52
4-4-1 使用者資料分析 53
4-4-2 使用者反應 53
第五章 結論與建議 68
5-1 結論 68
5-2建議 69
參考文獻 71
附錄一 專家訪談名單 74
附錄二 問卷 75
附錄三 訪談導引 81
附錄四 問卷分析 82 |
參考文獻 |
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指導教授 |
謝定亞(Ting-Ya Hsieh)
審核日期 |
2008-5-1 |
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