摘要(英) |
There are more than twenty-two thousands of highway bridges in Taiwan, with majority of them in the structural type of Reinforced Concrete (RC). As the average age of national bridge inventory grows older, more and more national funding are invested to maintain the entire bridge stocks in safe and sound operation. To pinpointing the deterioration factors of bridges will certainly assist in enhancing the effectiveness of bridge management.
Conventionally the experience of senior bridge engineers is relied heavily upon for determining the deterioration factors of bridges. The literature shows a lack of a systematic way to determine the deterioration factors of bridges. Taiwan developed her own Bridge Management System in 1998. The basic bridge data as well as the inspection and maintenance data of more than twenty-two highway bridges are input in the system since. The objective of this study is to data mining the Taiwan Bridge Management System for the deterioration factors of RC highway bridges. However, instead of the twenty-one component types, only five component types, namely the expansion joint, deck, girder, abutment, and bearing, will be the subjects of the study for they have more maintenance records in the system.
Rough Set theory, a data mining technique, and a RSES (Rough Set Exploration System) software system are employed in this study for data mining. As a result, major and minor deterioration factors of each of the five component types in RC highway bridges in Taiwan are identified. Meanwhile, statistical chi-square tests of each factor are conducted for the validation of the data mining results. Furthermore, the resulting deterioration factors are compared with those identified in the various previous studies in literature. The comparison results show that the deterioration factors identified in this study have a better interpretation of the deterioration in the BMS than the previous studies. |
參考文獻 |
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