姓名 |
王文甫(Wen-Fu Wang)
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畢業系所 |
營建管理研究所 |
論文名稱 |
公路養護作業資料倉儲之研究 (The Design of Data Warehouse for Highway Maintenance Management)
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摘要(中) |
因此,本研究首先將以「資料倉儲」(Data Warehouse)之概念,針對公路養護作業之內容進行深度訪談,歸納整理公路養護作業之程序及其內容,以設計完整理想之「公路養護資料庫」,作為現行系統間資料整合之基礎。本研究進而分析整合現行各公路養護相關系統與養護業務相關資料,以減少重複輸入並提升資料正確性與一致性,並提出各系統間資料交換範例,以及建議現行養護系統改善之處,以作為未來開發整合性公路養護系統之參考。 |
摘要(英) |
The government has been dedicating to electronic managements in the last few years. Organizations, such as the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, have been aiming at the development of maintenance management systems for bridges, pavement, slope, and assets, etc. These systems have helped to improve the efficiency of the entire highway maintenance works. However, since highway maintenance works are usually inter-connected and the fact that most developed systems seemed to only focus on the patrol related information, there is still lack of a complete system that can thoroughly support the highway maintenance works. In addition, some data are identical and duplicated in many existing systems. This leads to further problems such as data inconsistency and waste of resources. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to establish a complete highway maintenance database to resolve the previous problems and form as the foundation for any highway maintenance related system. This research implemented the Data Warehouse concepts to the data preservation of highway maintenance works. According to previous studies, the overall highway maintenance works can roughly be classified into 5 different groups with 20 major tasks. In order to design an ideal data warehouse, this research conducted a series of interviews to study the standard operation procedures as well as critical data for supporting operation and management for each of the 20 maintenance tasks. A data warehouse consisted of 169 tables was designed. This research also studied the corporation of data warehouse with existing highway maintenance systems. An XML data exchange mechanism was also established. |
關鍵字(中) |
★ 公路養護 ★ 資料倉儲 |
關鍵字(英) |
★ Highway Maintenance ★ Data Warehouse |
論文目次 |
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景及動機 1
1.2研究目的 1
1.3研究方法 2
1.4研究範圍 2
1.5研究流程 2
1.6論文架構 3
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2.1公路養護 5
2.1.1公路之定義 5
2.1.2公路之養護 5
2.2 公路養護作業相關研究 6
2.3 各大系統發展回顧 9
2.3.1臺灣地區橋梁管理系統 9
2.3.2公路基本資料庫 11
2.3.3公路防救災管理系統 15
2.3.4鋪面管理系統 16
2.3.5公路養護巡查管理系統 17
2.3.6公路景觀資訊平台 19
2.3.7公路設施營運維護管理系統 21
2.3.8道路邊坡管理系統 24
2.3.9小結 25
2.4資料倉儲 26
2.4.1資料倉儲的特性 26
2.4.2資料倉儲的架構 29
第三章 公路養護作業 31
3.1養護規劃管理 33
3.2人、機、料管理 43
3.3民眾與社會服務管理 45
3.4公路巡查作業 49
3.5交通安全管理 55
3.6小結 56
第四章 公路養護作業資料倉儲設計 57
4.1公路養護作業資料倉儲設計流程 57
4.2公路養護作業資料分析 58
4.3資料倉儲設計 61
4.4作業間之關聯 67
4.5五大資料區資料倉儲設計 71
4.6小結 77
第五章 公路養護作業資料倉儲與現有系統之探討 79
5.1 資料倉儲與現有系統探討 79
5.2公路養護作業資料倉儲之效益 83
5.3小結 84
第六章 結論與後續研究建議 85
6.1結論 85
6.2後續研究建議 86
參考文獻 88
附錄一 公路養護作業資料倉儲作業活動與關聯 90
附錄二 公路養護作業資料倉儲SCHEMA 134
附錄三 公路養護作業資料倉儲XML 資料交換範例 227
附錄四 訪談名單 235 |
參考文獻 |
1.Inmon, W.H. (1996). Building the data warehouse. New York: Wiley Computer Pub.
2.Jiawei Han& Micheline Kamber (2001). Data mining: concepts and techniques. San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
3.Kimball Ralph (1998). The data warehouse toolkit: the complete guide to dimensional modeling. New York : John Wiley& Sons.
25.交通部運輸研究所(2002),公路基本資料管理系統整合規劃。 |
指導教授 |
姚乃嘉、嚴崇一 (Nie-Jia Yau、Chung-I Yen)
審核日期 |
2008-7-23 |
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