摘要(英) |
Construction management is complicated nowadays as the scale of construction project enlarged and the technology involved modernized. It is becoming more popular nowadays to have professional construction management team (PCM) participating throughout the life cycle of construction to help the client coordinating all the participants including the designer, the contractor, and the client itself. However, when PCM is employed, a new interface between the PCM team and the client created and additional disputes may arise. This study collects the many disputes related to the contractual responsibilities and the service fee issues incurred in practice. A questionnaire survey was conducted and expert opinions obtained for formulating the solutions.
For most of the PCM contracts, the PCM contractor’s responsibility has been drafted based on the provisions in the regulations related to Government Procurement Law. However, in many contracts, the responsibility listed as ”others” were not defined precisely and the client frequently utilized this undefined item to expand the responsibility of the PCM contractor endlessly. This kind of disputes repeats again and again and created more disputes and wasted a lot of manpower, time and money.
The purpose of this study is to
(1)Analyze the difficulty that the PCM encountered in practice.
(2)Define clearly the service items in contracts which exceed the typical PCM service scope.
(3)Discuss the necessity of increasing the fee payment with reasonable profit for those increased service items and the extended time for completion.
(4)Discusses the reasonable scale to compute the additional fee.
參考文獻 |
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